Saturday, December 22, 2007


Today was a most wonderful summer day. Hot, perfect sun and sky. Every window in the house outstretched like an open arm welcoming in the seasonal air.

About 5:00 PM I ventured out for my hour walk about. The village was vibrating with life. It seemed as if a ship had docked thousands of foreigners into Queens town. Every language filled the air.

I sat on a bench near the shore line of the lake, to take a rest and a young girl yelled out at me! "Merry Christmas! Come over here!" I was stunned, but got up and walked over with my back pack on my shoulder and sun glasses on my head!

There were about 8 young men and women wearing nothing but the least of clothing, all on the grass drinking wine. They were Brazilian. We chatted and then I excused my (what seemed very old self) and wandered up the side walk to the market.

What a nice gesture and how kind they were to me. It was wonderful because the past few days have been depressing. A certain member of the family was supposed to be with us for the five months we are here and they have made things impossible to spend the time with us!

BUT, the trip to Dunedin was magic. Sad in many ways because of the invisible depressing energy this absence has caused, but before we left Dunedin we attended the exhibition of the Butterflies at the University Museum. It is unexplainable.

They have created a Tropical Rain Forest in a very small space with three or four levels. Plants, gold fish within a room full of colorful butterflies that fill the sacred space. It is very humid and you do not want a jacket or anything in that area.

The Butterflies are of every size and color. We saw them as they spin their cocoons from being caterpillars into a pupa and then they hatch upside down and hang for up to two hours waiting for their wings to dry out!
Every morning the attendants free the new born butterflies. The only way to explain it is to experience it!

God they were in my hair and on my arms. I loved it. Truly a angelic experience. Like the old line: Butterflies are Free!

Only frustrating thing was to think we live on such a gorgeous orb and yet men keep killing and seeking power and money!
When there is an entire Eco- system functioning within all this insane drama.

Yesterday I found peace through the life of a butterfly!

Years ago I struggled to learn a composition at the piano "Papillons" by Grieg! He captured the dance of such a light and delicate package of life! I will never look at a butterfly again without blessing it!

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