Tuesday, September 26, 2006

cleance for 5 months

Preludes & Fugues
Yesterday we received word that we are cleared for a 5 month visa to New Zealand!
The dream was to spend 6 month in New Zealand and 6 months state side. Well, the dream is coming true! So we are scheduled to fly to NZ on November 30, 2006 and return April 28th of 2007. Christmas and New Years down under! PLUS 5 months at a fabulous gym, time to hike, sleep, read and do absolutely only things I dream of like: staring at a rose blossom for hours, people watching, attending great concerts and movies and most of all creating new tunes. Writing and experiencing moments of self-discovery!
I am now changing planes for NYC and other events.
It will be a crazy time to get projects and deadlines behind me before November 30th, but I bet I can do it!
Off to work!

cleance for 5 months

Preludes & Fugues
Yesterday we received word that we are cleared for a 5 month visa to New Zealand!
The dream was to spend 6 month in New Zealand and 6 months state side. Well, the dream is coming true! So we are scheduled to fly to NZ on November 30, 2006 and return April 28th of 2007. Christmas and New Years down under! PLUS 5 months at a fabulous gym, time to hike, sleep, read and do absolutely only things I dream of like: staring at a rose blossom for hours, people watching, attending great concerts and movies and most of all creating new tunes. Writing and experiencing moments of self-discovery!
I am now changing planes for NYC and other events.
It will be a crazy time to get projects and deadlines behind me before November 30th, but I bet I can do it!
Off to work!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Changing plans

Preludes & Fugues

FLYING LIQUID LOTION FREE! Well, I received a phone call from one of my dearest musical mentors and hearing her voice as well as her husbands filled me with joy! Suddenly I blurt out that yes! I will be in the city mid November and do count me in on the performance class! WHAT THE HELL?
So, change of mind out of the blue! I probably need a few days of selfish indulgence in the city that doesn't sleep!

I have been writing on this blog, but instead of publishing on the main page one must go to SEARCH THIS BLOG! Still learning!

Last night's performance was a total success! The council even earned money for the first time in ages! Sharing always brings me armfuls of abundance and fills my heart with peace! Wonder why?

It is 27 degrees! COLD BUT SUPPOSED TO BE GORGEOUS. Yes, that is what the weather channel says! DAAAAHHH!

Must get practicing for NYC and Boise.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Use of MUSIC in my JOURNEY

Preludes & Fugues
Why MEN may choose MUSIC as a tool in their journey of SELF-DISCOVERY:

Music has the power to sooth the savage beast! The NOTES of our SCALES are based on the actual resonances of the cosmos. This has been and can be scientifically demonstrated.

The elements, the planets and stars all vibrate at specific frequencies. The 8 houses and 64 hexagrams of the "I CHING" and the traditional 64 positions of "KUNG FU" are mirrored in the 8 notes of the OCTAVE! The rotation of the planets can be heard in the 12-tone scale!


Every atom and cell of your body is vibrating. Your CONSCIOUSNESS can change that pulse. The timing of your birth, your physical development and even certain events in your life are timed and vibrate according the the musical score in your DNA. Every event in your life is SONG! Music is not magic, it is the cosmic heartbeat that holds the universe together.

You cannot go wrong using music in your journey inward. To not have a knowledge of music is like not knowing how to start your car, take a shower, read and write. Music can HEAL. It causes one to release tears, smiles or reflect on lofty thoughts.

Last week I was listening to Carly Simon sing O DANNY BOY and I started to weep which gave way into a major sobbing jag! I thought about my friend/lover DANNY from years ago that is dead and I believe I FINALLY ACCEPTED HIS DEATH and experienced a major BLESSED HEALING EVENT!

Have a day full of sound, beauty and vibrations of love! (OMG I am such a hippie at heart?)

Friday, September 22, 2006


Preludes & Fugues

I seem to have hit a WRITER'S SLUMP, NOTHING COMES TO MIND AT TIMES TO WRITE ABOUT and it is not because I have been lazy or not creative. Simply not enough time in a day or in the night.
As of Monday I plan to update this site and get writing stuff that I wish to have RECORDED as I use this as a journal as well as a measuring stick regarding where and how my life is evolving.

IT SNOWED LAST NIGHT! Such a breath taking sight to witness one season totally mesh into another. Autumn and winter joined in poetry and music, colors and white on white. LOVE IT!

Tomorrow my quartet performs for the Star Valley Arts council's fund raiser event to be held at the Flying Saddle Lodge. Hope they dance, eat, and give money to a worthy cause...(for the second time this year I will leave my kitchen empty of my presence. I do have great help that will carry on probably very gladly without my mouth, and essence!) Speaking of my kitchen I have to get to work!
I'm otta here. (BUT PROMISE I WILL GET THIS BLOG UPDATED!) Remember my post about PROCRASTINATION? Well, maybe the damned thing helped to make me feel really guilty when I do not accomplish the things I set out to do! Ah, GOD A'MIGHTY THERE IS NO HOPE! I will toss out that worthless CD~

Friday, September 01, 2006


Preludes & Fugues

Since the mid 70's I have fought for gay rights, women's rights, abortion rights, and at times the environment. I have argued with persons that I loved and I have lost friendships, lovers and many a quarrel ended up in a bloody nose. Some of the most traumatic arguments have been over religion!

I never dreamed the day would come when I would passively walk away without a tinge of anxiety regarding such people and their ideas, but I DO BELIEVE I HAVE ARRIVED AT THAT PLACE of peace that passeth all understanding.

These naive people that set themselves up as official JUDGES of what is right and wrong, and what is absolute REALITY and TRUTH. In doing so they simply slam shut the door that expands them into an ever expanding and beautiful universe of knowledge and eternal understanding. Once they slam that door shut they are doomed to live in the one universe of ideas and actions to which they have PLEDGED ALLEGIANCE. Their universe may seem and appear as an elegant life, but it is a PRISON. They must spend the rest of their days DEFENDING unchanging dogmas.

They simply forget that deceptive appearances abound in nature. The smooth surfaces of an ice-cube, a planed and sanded wooden board, or a block of iron or marble are all deceiving. At the MOLECULAR LEVEL, the perfections are punctuated by IMPERFECTIONS, order by disorder. Looking inside the molecule one finds a whirl of activity. GONE IS THE SMOOTHNESS, EASE and SIMPLICITY of the surfaces.

I see evolution occurring at rapid levels within my body, mind and philosophies.
I am so happy that I can say: the only constant is change!

As to many people I know that BELIEVE and DEFEND with every breath they take, their allegiance to certain DOGMAS I say: It makes more room for me and others to sail into the crazy world of undefinable mystery and unconditional love. It means I can become and be anything my sprit and soul want to be! I am not constrained within a prison of what is fact vs. lies. Even my idol Einstein had a difficult time grappling with QUANTUM MECHANICS and spent most of the latter years of his life trying to find major loop holes in the theory.

DOGMAS be GONE! Live free and move beyond the dogmas that we waste so much life on arguing and debating. Life is a gift, enjoy!

I find myself walking away from arguments and stupid debates regarding politics, religion and sexual preferences! Life moves on with or without us!