Saturday, May 27, 2006

Bush & Blair Speaking out!

Preludes & Fugues

I promised myself that I would not use this blog as an arena for ranting and screaming over political mayhem. HOWEVER after I read the news regarding how Bush and Blair have come forth admitting their arrogance and mistakes...OMG!
Where in the hell were these idiots when Hauns Blix made it clear that Iraq did not have WMD and the means to defend their country from such an invasion? God help the many Iraq children with no limbs, eye sight and parents, let alone food and shelter! Young American's dead for what? 2,400 something, dead! WHY IN HELL WE DID NOT ATTACT SAUDI ARABIA or AFGHANISTAN? It is still puzzling? oil or simply a Bush family revenge?
At least Karmic justice is evolving in the White House.
Have a great day. I am having a beautiful day regardless of snow and cold!
Opening of the Nordic Inn and Brenthoven's Restaurant was phenomenal.
Wish everyone I know could have been here! You are in spirit!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Rod McKuen

Preludes & Fugues
I was introduced to the poetry of Rod McKuen in 1968. I purchased the book "Stanyan Street & Other Sorrows" but from 1968 to 1985 the book was misplaced or lost in moving from one love affair to the next. Two years ago I found a first edition in a dusty used book shop in Dunedin New Zealand. It was like discovering a dear friend that you have totally lost track of over years and years of traveling through life's adventures. I try to read a poem every night before I retire for dream land and last night I read the entire Stanyan Street & Other Sorrows.

"I know
that love is worth the time it takes to find.
Think of that when all the world seems made of walk-up rooms
and hands in empty pockets.
I know your smile
and it is much too warm to waste on people in the street
(though smiles are plentiful)
I know
that if you keep the empty heart alive a little longer
love will come.
It always does,
maybe just at the last moment, but it will come
or else there isn't any reason to be twenty seven."

I remember being 27 and I remember desperately hoping to find love...
At 37 I did find love and that love has endured for 21 years.
Thank you Rod for giving me a belief in love when I was 27!
(BTW, I still fall in love with a face, body, sound or scent at least once every few days. God, it makes life so enchanting!)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Preludes & Fugues

Preludes & Fugues
Today had to be in the high 70's or 80's. Springtime in the Rockies can be interesting as far as weather, but today was HOT. Snow is still half way down the mountains and the tulips, daffodils and other spring things that blossom from bulbs are bobbing their heads against the alpine breezes.

I spent the day moving furniture out of rooms so that old carpet could be lifted and new carpet laid down. The furniture in the rooms is very heavy. Also had the office re-carpeted and the furniture in that area weighs a ton! Between moving huge beds, chest of drawers and lamps, mattress and box springs, I groomed the gardens. I think that every human being should spend time working the earth with their bare hands. Tonight my hands do not even remotely resemble that of a pianist. The nails have black soil embedded in the cuticles, and the blisters are massive, but the link between our bodies and the chemicals within the earth is such a sacred marriage. Needless to say, I am exhausted, but happy.

Also, something that resonated of a spiritual lesson today was the fact we have not been able to get our DSL working properly in the office. After many over the phone troubleshooting exercises, I demanded that a representative drive down and check out the situation. WE HAD THE PHONE JACK IN THE WRONG OUTLET!!!! Most embarrassing yet, such a simple mistake! There is a hidden lesson somewhere in this event! I spent half of my life putting the wrong things into the wrong outlets!!!!!!!!

My mother turns 80 years old on Friday so I drive to Utah for the festivities and will see members of my family I have never met! New arrives, husbands, and wives of nieces and nephews. Sometimes I think I live on an entire different planet than most of my family. Possibly I am something of an alien. Had dinner with two of my best friends Sunday, I hope I am from the same universe they originate from 'cause they are family! I could play all through eternity with them because they are artists as well as brothers! Friends help maintain my sanity.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Joys of ART!

Preludes & Fugues
Music has been recognized as the most abstract of the arts. Films, painting, sculpture, theater, dance all ignite images of real-life situations, music creates a metaphor in the mind and heart of the listener. This metaphor can cause buried memories of love, hate, anger, fear, and hurt that ONLY THE VIBRATIONS OF MUSIC CAN EXPESS.

I have always had a deep appreciation for poetry and music as well as the visual arts. Tonight as I write I have two gorgeous pieces of art that are music to my eyes and body. My sister T. is a great artist. At Christmas she gave me a beautiful "study" she had drawn of DaVinci's "ANGEL" The eyes in this drawing are haunting. I hung it beside my piano so as to see it as I practice. I believe we all have guardian angels that guard and inspire us. And many of us are Angels in waiting.

Walking Wounded has the most honored place in my room, he sits on my grand piano. He vibrates so much love and patience. Heart break and unexplainable sadness and yes, JOY! I touch him every morning and night. His eyes reach across the room as I write this! The man that created this has channeled something in clay that is made out of the essence of music!

To be blest by the talents of friends is amazing. I often say that I talk to the dead, well I also talk to art!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Home in Wyoming...

Preludes & Fugues

Arrived in LAX with all the usual immigration BS and the SECURITY checks, and of course I was pulled aside, or as the security guard said, "Mr. Johnston, you have been SELECTED by TSA yada yada yada..." I told him, I've been through this 8 times within the past two years! It all went well, but delays getting into SLC. Dad was there to pick me up at baggage. Great to see the family.

Drove from Ogden to Alpine May 2nd. The seasonal change from winter to spring is a wonderful source of new energy in both mind and body. Everything was perfect at the house in Alpine and the Nordic Inn.

It amazes me how man can adjust to his surroundings so easily. Each year I become sad as I say goodbye to friends, my pianos, and surroundings in WY. Once I am settled into Queenstown
I become familiar with my studio, piano and surroundings and then when leaving Queenstown I feel saddened because of leaving the life style I become accustomed to. CHANGE IS GOOD! At least I clean out lots of crap from closets, bookcases, and my mind! (as well as my bank account.)

Will try to get DSL within the week. Using a land line is SLOW!
It is fantastic to be nestled within these protective mountains. Summer is coming and with it long days and nights. The beat goes on...