Thursday, May 04, 2006

Home in Wyoming...

Preludes & Fugues

Arrived in LAX with all the usual immigration BS and the SECURITY checks, and of course I was pulled aside, or as the security guard said, "Mr. Johnston, you have been SELECTED by TSA yada yada yada..." I told him, I've been through this 8 times within the past two years! It all went well, but delays getting into SLC. Dad was there to pick me up at baggage. Great to see the family.

Drove from Ogden to Alpine May 2nd. The seasonal change from winter to spring is a wonderful source of new energy in both mind and body. Everything was perfect at the house in Alpine and the Nordic Inn.

It amazes me how man can adjust to his surroundings so easily. Each year I become sad as I say goodbye to friends, my pianos, and surroundings in WY. Once I am settled into Queenstown
I become familiar with my studio, piano and surroundings and then when leaving Queenstown I feel saddened because of leaving the life style I become accustomed to. CHANGE IS GOOD! At least I clean out lots of crap from closets, bookcases, and my mind! (as well as my bank account.)

Will try to get DSL within the week. Using a land line is SLOW!
It is fantastic to be nestled within these protective mountains. Summer is coming and with it long days and nights. The beat goes on...

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