Thursday, December 04, 2008

The magic of TOUCH...

Happy day! I have been 72 hours without taking a single Oxycontin pill!!!

Four weeks ago today, November the 5th they removed the cancer and repaired the hernia. Four weeks ago I did not know IF I would be able to make the long trip to New Zealand, but four weeks later I am back in Queenstown, and best news today: I have not taken any of the prescription pain pills.

Today I had an appointment with my Chiropractor Doctor. He is thrilled over the fact I am playing piano once again and the left elbow has healed. He adjusted my neck, which I knew was out of place... We talked about the cancer and how pain moves through the various nerves of the body.

Neki is from India. He has magic hands. I observe people's hands carefully. The Knee surgeon that replaced my left knee had the most beautiful hands you can imagine. My surgeons in Jackson Hole WY had wonderfully shaped hands. My Chiropractic Doctor in JH also has perfect hands, (but types with two fingers!) Neki is right up there with strong, intense fingers and his touch is pure energy.

I have always been very sensitive to touch. Playing an musical instrument involves touch and choreography of the entire body. I have always found the touch of keys on a piano to be sensuously smooth and hard... (No wonder I practice/play for hours on end! as strange as it sounds kind of like PLAYING WITH YOURSELF!)

One of my favorite lines from Gibran has to do with touch and sound... " If in the twilight of memory we should meet once more, we shall speak again together and you shall sing to me a deeper song, and if our hands should meet in another dream, we shall build another tower in the sky..."

I thank my lucky stars for the Internet! A friend that I have loved since the mid 1960's has a serious brain cancer. His niece was surfing the net and came upon my blog, from there she sent me an e mail and re-connected me with a friend that was a major player in the many dramas I "STARED" in during the 70's and early 80's! I visited with my friend in Maryland many times before my move to Wyoming years ago... We are linked once again, both having cancer and both reaching out our hands across the miles, touching as it were in another dream!

I remember my Aunt Lorraine, who lost her eye sight in the later years of her life, telling me that she could actually see with her hands... she could feel fabric and tell you what the color was! It was as if all her other senses were more acute because of the loss of one of her most important senses, the ability to see with the human eye! No wonder I love petting my cats!

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