Saturday, January 12, 2008

Finished the book...

My time in New Zealand is never wasted. I attempt to read books that have wanted to read all year and that I find of interest.

I loved Ken Follet's novel, "Pillars of The Earth". Well, after all these years he has written the sequel to that book. "World Without End." The book is written the way novels used to be written: many, many pages! 1,014 pages are in the hard cover edition. There is not a paper back edition as of yet! I loved the book. (Lots of sex, religion, government, murder and love!)

I have M. reading "Atlas Shrugged". I have read that novel three times since 1980! I am now reading a wonderful book:
"The Time Of Our Singing" by Richard Powers. He composed a book that sent me over the moon years ago called:
The Goldbug Variations" about computers, music and emotions that touch many cosmic levels! This man knows music. I must contact him one day.

Years ago, I always contacted people that composed books I loved.
I have made some amazing friends through my reading of what I call "there is a reason for every thing books"...

Because of a book I read years ago: "The Anatomy of A New York Recital", I wanted to perform a recital in NYC.

Because of book called "With Your Own Two Hands", I found a teacher that guided me toward that dream... I am now very dear friends with these people and people they have introduced into my life of music and art! Because I contacted them I have received beautiful blessings upon my life!

One day I swear I will find a "ghost writer" that will help me write the book of my life! It will be HOT STUFF BABY! I mean really
a melt down for a lot of philosophies and dogmas that I proved to be totally BS! Whoopee! That was a strong statement.

Shall keep reading. Everyone should... oh and I'll be seeing you!

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