Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Preludes & Fugues

Preludes & Fugues
I love being touched. I grew up in a household that believed in the power of "THE
LAYING ON OF HANDS" to heal about everything from a scratch to tumors full of cancer.
My body has been a JOY to live in until I turned 55. All kinds of mysterious things began
surfacing. Arthritis in my hands. YIKES! I am a pianist. Enlargement of the prostate gland.
Bladder infections? Sinus blockage? VISION CHANGED to blur when reading and things
began showing up on my skin...lines, spots, bumps, dry patches and hair sprouting
in places I NEVER HAD HAIR!
I've worked my way around a lot of this "late-mid-life-drama" but recently discovered some-
things that has literally changed my life: REFLEXOLOGY. This was better than paying some
fortune teller to tell and read my future. As Anna massaged and pressed on my feet she
asked questions like, "your blocked in your prostate area." okay..... "Your sinus are blocked."
Okay..... "Your right leg bothers you, the knee." Well, this goes on and I am moaning and
grunting out acknowledgments of how right she is. Well, 4 sessions later and my pelvic
area is not in pain. Bladder is functioning perfectly and the sinus are cleared. IF nothing
else works this magic touch does.
I also believe in the healing powers of massage. I have a wonderful masseuse. She can find
trigger points faster than lightening and then apply just the right pressure as to OPEN the
KNOT that binds. I discovered a great massage therapist a couple of years ago in Boise Idaho
when I was performing a concert and master class. He introduced me to the THERA CANE.
Massage and Reflexology go hand in hand, (no pun intended.) but there is one thing I've
learned about reflexology, take time after a session to "ground" yourself. I am often out
there with the fairies for about an hour after treatment. (I actually have spent a lot of my
life out there with the the fairies!)
The clouds have drawn a gray curtain across the mountains and tiny crystals of water are
floating in the air outside. signs of winter everywhere. Meaning SPRING TIME IN THE
ROCKIES! Good day for drinking strong coffee and reading that book I just can't seem to
get into. Cherio.

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