Saturday, December 22, 2012


I usually never post anything political or controversial on my blog however, due to the recent shooting in the USA of innocent children and people that were kind and caring human beings murdered in the name of what?  Insanity?  Freedom to bare arms?  Mental Illness? Because we have a culture hooked on sensationalism of blowing up buildings, killing humans with machine guns, releasing anger and hate by murdering the "images" of things that remind them of their past when they were abused, injured, unjustly accused of sins...  I need to write.

I grew up in a house with guns.  NOT GUNS THAT THE MILITARY WOULD USE IN WARS!

My father hunted deer every autumn.  The rifles were secured in a wooden box he had made with pad locks, just in case we kids got into places we had no business poking around in?

When I was 12-14 I saved money and purchased a Remington 22 rifle.  I took very precious care of that rifle.  I shot birds, I was a killer!!!!!!!!  I NEVER IN MY WILDEST FANTASIES EVER IMAGINED TURNING THAT 22 ONTO A HUMAN BEING?  Was something wrong with me?

I went Deer Hunting once.  I lay ed the bead of a gun on the head of a deer.  I fell to pieces.  I could not shoot living and breathing creature with gorgeous eyes and such a Lethe body such as a deer!  I was forgiven and told not to worry.
I happen to love Venison.  Elk and Venison are two of my favorite meats!  I simply cannot kill animals.

I has forever amazed and the fact stunned me spiritually and mentally that a country like America can use such a mantra as: IN GOD WE TRUST,  yet use weapons of mass destruction?  WHY?  WHERE IS GOD... and do not tell me he needs guns to keep his image perfectly in tact?  When CHRIST WAS BORN PEOPLE WERE NOT KILLING EACH OTHER WITH GUNS~  go figure!

I was bullied in grade school as a child.  The image or thought of killing one of the four bullies that beat up on me with a gun,  DAMIT IT NEVER EVER ENTERED MY MIND.  I was raised to believe in arbitration.  One talked things out... they made peace agreements...

In my many years of traveling, my own regrets and pain, my own joys and discoveries of love I have learned:  SAFETY IS ACHIEVED IN SIDE THE MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DNA OF OUR MINDS AND SOULS.  NOT ANYWHERE ELSE.  NO CHURCH, NO GOVT.  NO, NO, NO!


Why are America's so damn afraid of death?  Why can they not put all of their faith in their GOD and live in peace and harmony?  I know, many do, but they forget that even CHINA has made great changes... USSR is not the same country as when I was a little boy...  Viet Nam?  I went there 3 times. I can only imagine what many men witnessed during the 2nd WW.  Remember when Bush had the vision to blow up Iraq?  They had not attacked us?  Iraq is the cradle of civilization?  Why in hell did he not blow the hell out of Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia? blow them off the earth?  They ATTRACT US.  We have 8,000 missiles that can blow us into dust... into the next universe of?  WE NEED THEM.

If Americans honestly believe in the Bible... NOT THE OLD TESTAMENT:  Jesus said:  I give you a new commandment:  LOVE ONE ANOTHER as I HAVE LOVED YOU.  That had nothing to do with REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRATIC MORALS.    IT IS PLAIN AS DAY,  LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  That translates:  you love and forgive everything in your life.  IF NOT YOU WILL SUFFER.  That means you must forgive yourself and love homosexuals, mentally ill people, humans that have strange and different belief systems... polygamists, politician's, popes, prophets, circus acts, and musicians...

America is a "WAR MACHINE"...  we manufacture bombs, guns, weapons... we cannot use them so let's sell them to 3rd world countries...  we already sell enough to Americans.

I have friends with over 50 guns in their homes...  IN GOD WE TRUST?  If God cannot protect you from a bullet or death?  One must spend some time with nature and a trained counselor...  hate and anger has become a part of America that I do not like.  Get rid of Hennity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck... you will once again give me a Republican Party I used to believe in.


Anonymous said...

Great article, and agree with everything you said. I too was once a Republican.

Brenthoven said...

you must be a very kind man or woman... sometimes i wish I were both energies within one body! Strange but true. Thank you for commenting on the site. Honestly, I am both energies... that can be a problem for me at times.... alas I am grateful for being such a person.