Thursday, December 30, 2010

The meaning of love...

Years ago, which seems like eons ago to my way of thinking... a piano teacher of mine told me something I had forgotten until the past couple of years! (do not doubt what your mind has imprinted and recorded... everything from your past will come back to haunt you.)

He said: Love is indestructible. Only the ARROGANCE of one's EGO can presume that LOVE REQUIRES PROTECTION! (I was 15)

He was 100% right as far as my own lifetime. I have had some amazing incidents happen this past year that PROVE his point. I will not go into details because the details ONLY BELONG TO ME, but so many things from my past, many many years ago came to life this past year in phone calls, letters, and events that I NEVER DREAMED WOULD EVER OCCURR.

Some of the people that contacted me were from my teen years. They were in the process of dying. Some were trying to link up with some sort of bliss from years ago. I only know that I forgive, and that I hope and pray I am forgiven and still loved by many people.

Love is a strange and magical energy. We are created OUT OF IT'S PASSION.

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