Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Al Gore's Movie

Preludes & Fugues
Yesterday afternoon I viewed Al Gores Movie about the Environment. Stunning and yes intelligent. He did not go into any 'religious dogma" or binge out about some kind of new philosophy. It was fact upon fact about what we have and are doing to our planet! Only thing I
can say is: GO SEE IT and then THINK. I came home and pinned a 3x5 card up behind the toilet: "IF IT'S YELLOW LET IT MELLOW IF IT'S BROWN FLUSH IT DOWN" (lived this way in the 70's we really did!)
I have been shutting lights off that I do not use at night and I am observing nature with a gentleness I have not experienced in years.
My only hope is: ever since I was about 10 years old I have wondered IF we are alone in the universe or IS THERE SOMEONE ELSE OUT THERE! I do hope that If there is someone OUT THERE they can help us to continue life on planet earth in harmony with all other forms of life. Plank once said something to this effect:
When we change our attitude and the way we OBSERVE something IT CHANGES ALSO! Well, I hope we all begin to view the planet and our situation here in a more healing and loving way and that we can steer away from such ECONOMIC/CAPITLISITC INSANITY. God knows I like money and the things it affords me and those that I love, but I can see that over consumption and greed can also put a dreadful end to life as we know it. GO SEE THE MOVIE.

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