The past 5 years I have cooked exclusively with olive oil. Extra Virgin OR Light Virgin? The very green organic olive oil that costs plenty but the fruity flavor is thrilling I find it to be the best! Go to a organic food store.
About 5 years ago a bad mistake was made in diagnosing a cholesterol test I had taken 2002 or 2003. My cholesterol was over 300... What ever in hell that meant? I was put on Lipitor. It nearly killed me! Every joint and muscle in my body was in pain. I honestly believe it brought on a vengeance of arthritis beyond words!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Found out, my cholesterol was fine. Wrong person got the wrong numbers! Yikes! In the mean time, I went on a massive journey to discover what cholesterol really was and how to control it from giving me a major heart attack. One of the keys was Olive Oil and red wine. Since then, olive oil is one of my best friends.
An Olive Tree takes 30 years to mature but can live up to a 1,000 years!
A big freeze in France in 1956 devastated nearly 300,000 olive trees. Today France only has 70,000 olive trees! Olive oil can be used in so many ways... Cooking, skin care, base for enhancing so many herbs and foods...
Wine was being used as an antiseptic before 3000 B.C. in Egypt. Wine was also used in the same way in China. Chinese legends speak of wine making in the same period used for medicinal and celebration purposes. Most always two sets of wine were made by kings. Funeral and Domestic wines.
Wines Contain vitamins A, B & C as well as 13 minerals essential to human life... and too much wine can ruin your life! Been there. However, cooking with wine and olive oil can be a magic potion that can bring food alive as well as the person eating it.
Ever since the fiasco with the cholesterol I have drank pino noir or any red wine every day and plenty of olive oil... according to the last test c. was perfect.
I found that IF I cannot sleep, making a cup of mulled wine will put me into dream land very fast. Use cheap red wine!
(your going to be heating the wine so do not use an expensive wonderful wine that was created for room temperature and a gorgeous glass with space for the wine to breathe...)
add a tablespoon of raw or brown sugar, and half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Cinnamon is fantastic for circulation! DO NOT BOIL THE BREW! I put it in the microwave for 1 minute on high, sometimes 30 seconds more. Delicious and so good for you!
Sweet dreams.
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