Is there such a thing as being angry at yourself for being angry???
I know some of the underlying reasons for why I lashed out, opened my mouth and let it explode with a poison that is rattlesnake death when I sting with words they are like bullets from a nuclear weapon.
All of my life I have enjoyed amazing health and I have taken steps to insure that I would not have to suffer many of the problems most people engage after the age of 55. My body refuses to heal the way it used to! I do not need to go into details but I have had one hell of a time making friends with Mr. Arthur Ritis... The arthritis is not helping the healing process with my elbow. I will have it and my knee examined before I leave NZ.
I have had a most interesting 6 months of INVENTING and IMAGINING NEW WAYS OF SURVIVING IN AN OLD SPACE SUIT! I have given up many thing that were a major part of my everyday life from exercise to playing piano. Meaning: I still go to the gym but I have invented a totally new routine... I still play piano, but in a different manner. I walk slower but with more meaning. I still pray but with less begging! I like to think that my God is bigger than two books called the Old & the New Testaments! I have learned that ORGANIZED RELIGION is for those that do not want to go to hell. SPIRITUALITY is for those who have been to hell and don't want to ever go back!
I made a list of my LIKES and my DIS-LIKES.
Sunsets, moonlight, most music except RAP. Pianos, Very aged cheese. Fine wines. Fresh home made breads, Movies, Gyms. If it has weight I'll lift it! Muscles that are developed from dedication and hard work. Like: Dancer's bodies, swimmers, shoulders, vintage body builders.
I love cats and most pets. Quartz crystals, very good organic coffee, the scent of earth, rain water and herb gardens in the moonlight.
Very old used book stores. ANYTHING APPLE, Macintosh. Massages, Yellow roses and sweet peas. Pansies and tulips. Kindness and forgiveness. Metaphysics, candle light, travel, the three musical "B's" and Debussy.
Keith Olbermann and Albert Einstein. Oh! I like the natural odor or the human body. NICE odor not the rotten smells of filth or smells that are artificial. I do like organic, natural foods.
Bigoted, small minds. DOGMAS. Junk mail, CONFRONTATIONS with dick heads.
Almost all perfumes. Tattoos, Loud noise, Men that shave their body hair? WHY?
Ann Coulter. Bullies, GW Bush, Dick Cheney,
Television, people that abuse: ANY KIND OF ANIMAL! their partners and abuse innocent children.
I hate Authority figures.
Hand and bath soap that are shaped into balls?
Insane consumerism and being used as cannon fodder for my country or a religion!
This blog site is fastly becoming my therapist for all things~