Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My Own Bette Davis Film Festival

Tonight was the first of many nights this month as I am viewing old Bette Davis movies. God, what masterpieces. Max Steiner's music as well as classical themes from the great composers. Such fantastic direction from Hal Wallis....... I remember seeing these movies as a very young boy!

Tonight was "Now Voyager". Tomorrow is "All About Eve". I have 8 DVDS of these masterpieces and the sets, effects and of course the acting is superb. In between all this I will watch some South Park.

Movies to me are like living a lifetime within a few hours. Every movie ever made is like an individual lifetime I have lived or will live!!! Could it be possible that all this existence in it's reality is nothing more than a hologram within a hologram. Reviewing a lifetime I have already lived...

Music and art are timeless in the sense they capture events that occurred hundreds of years ago or that will occur in the future.
When I listen to Bach or play Bach I am living in the 1700's as well as 2007. Brahms takes me to a different time frame as well as Debussy or Willie Nelson... As Richard Bach titled one of his great novels: Illusions. It is all an illusion. Kenuae Reeves claims everything is: waves... nothing more than waves we come and go on...

Well, Bette Davis may be dead but she lives on the silver screen. Vivaldi lives every time I listen to the Four Seasons. and Gershwin's Concerto in F for Piano as well has his Rhapsody in Blue always take me to 1930's NYC. Eternity is a nice thing.
I believe it was Einstein that said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge"...

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