I miss my K.Kawi baby grand piano in WY. I often reflect of how I purchased that instrument. We were looking for a particular car wash in Idaho Falls. Could not find it! Been there over the years a hundred times. Finally out of desperation stopped at a piano store that I have driven by many times but never been inside. It sits along the highway that the car wash is located, but damn we could not find the car wash so we parked the car and entered the shop called,
"PIANO GALLERY". Yes, the young man inside the store knew where I wanted to go. I glanced around the show room full of some amazing grand pianos. I did not tell the young man I could play or knew anything about pianos. My eyes fell upon a Yamaha Grand Piano. I touched it's satin finish, reached out to softly touch the keys. Moved on to another fine instrument, a Shimmel Grand. stunning cabinet. I turned from the grands and noticed a small baby grand in the line up of so many pianos, walked up to it, sat down and begin to play the Prelude in C major by Bach, then the Fantasie Impromptu by Chopin, then Clair de Lune by Debussy. By this time quite a audience had congregated around the instrument. This piano reached out to me. It simply breathed under my hands. The salesman complimented me and wanted me to please play a certain concert grand that had just arrived on the floor. I happily followed him to the monsterous black whale. It played wonderfully, but I COULD NOT GET THE LITTLE K. KAWI out of my mind and ears! Even as I was performing on the Concert grand my eyes would wonder over to the Kawai baby grand! After playing what seemed 20 pianos I went back to the K. Kawai. It simply reached out to me like an orphan begging to be adopted. "take me! I'm the best!". Before the hour was over, I had written a check for the K. Kawai baby grand and it was to be delivered in WY the next evening! WHAT IN HELL HAD I DONE? Found a BRAND NEW, NEVER BEFORE PLAYED PIANO THAT WAS MADE FOR ME and the piano KNEW MY TOUCH!
I wanted the piano upstairs beside my bed. I always dreamed of one day, awakening in the morning or after a nap to behold a piano I loved right beside me! The two guys that drove the piano over in a storm did not appear to be able to lift or manipulate this monster up the stair case, through a narrow door into a rather large bedroom. THEY DID IT!
Finally I was alone with this incredible instrument that had mysteriously reached out to my musical heart and mind. What a remarkable instrument! The black sensuously shaped hulk standing on three very delicate, narrow legs. I lifted the top and propped it's enormous weight and size on the slender stick that supports is mass. Inside was like a jewel box. Gold, brass, steel, red felt, iron and the emblem stamped on the gleaming spruce pine sounding board. The fall board over the keys was like revealing the most sexually covered parts of a person's body. Because here is where my hands would translate energy into the guts of this Pandora's box and release all of my passions that I could never put into words. These 88 keys with their pattern of 3 then 2 black keys and the rest white held all the mathematical equations that would allow me to express my emotions through the invisible illusion of sound. Silver sounds that would disappear on sound waves into infinity.
Many times I walk into a book store not really searching for a book and I walk right to the area, shelve and book that needs me! I have experienced this always with rocks and crystals. I have some amazing crystals and they have always found me.
I believe the same attraction works with the people we encounter in acting out the drama of our lifetimes. The actors appear. As the old Zen saying: "When you are ready the teacher will appear."
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