Friday, February 10, 2017

The antique French KEY!

I idolize Claude Debussy's music.  Most of all his gift of creating so many hues and shades from the universe of sound.  

A friend that I have known for years here in Queenstown is a master maker of
beautiful jewelry.   Saw him at the Arts and Crafts Fair a few weeks ago.  He no longer creates
jewelry.  He said China has taken over the market they can make any design of a ring, necklace and
ear rings for nothing.

That did not stop Ross from being creative!  He has been importing very old Vintage Keys from places in Europe.  I was fascinated by the various interesting shapes, ridges, grooves and size of so many keys.  He has attached them to a ribbon of tapestry with a brass clip securing the key so it does not slip loose allowing the mystic key to fall into some hidden space!

I have "alters" to certain people that influence my life every day.  This old print of Debussy hangs inside my QT studio.  Over the many years I have attached sentimental bits and pieces to the image.

I have a 50 dollar franc pinned to it.  You can glimpse the corner of the money on the left side of the
picture.  A bunch of red roses from France hang on the right side and then I pinned the mysterious
antique key to the right side above the roses.

The key is rather large.  It is very interestingly made.  I fantasize that could this be the key to one of Debussy's apartments?  A key to some place he frequented in France?  Old keys are haunting.  People
that carried them around their necks, in their pockets and the "locks" that only one particular KEY could OPEN!

All things hold energy.  I have always been amazed how a Blood Hound Dog can be given a piece of clothing from a person who has been missing for months, even for years and that dog can follow a
scent for miles and miles until it discovers the subject!

Years ago I read a novel that I love "PERFUME: THE STORY OF A MURDERER by Patrick Suskind.  I wish he would write more stories!

Possibly why I love rocks is:  they are made of stardust as well as we are.  Stones speak in a language of water, air, fire and the universe.  I have certain items from people I love from many years ago and
I can hold these small treasures in the palm of my hand and sense and feel vibrations.

My mother gave my father a beautiful ring 3 months before they were married.  I have looked at that ring since my first breath of life.  When I was a young man and would accompany my father's voice
He would sit calm with his left hand resting on his knee.  That ring was my "center" because I knew
he was not afraid or concerned about my ability to enhance his voice with my playing piano.

 Before his funeral a few short years ago just before they closed his casket my brother stunned me when he removed the ring from my father's
left hand and said "we are giving this to Brent..."   My BEACON!  MY LIGHT HOUSE in the darkest storms...

I have miss placed keys at times in my life!  There is not a more distressing feeling.  You have lost
the KEY to enter the place you live?

Now I have two antique keys...  My God, the rate I'm going they will have a truck full of rocks, keys, musical manuscripts, journals, recipes, meditations, STUFF!   That is a most untrue statement.  I
clean my spiritual house every 6 months.  I rid my spirit of STUFF that is no longer needed...

Here is the strange mysterious thing:  I have and always will save OLD tarnished keys.  I even have the key to my house at 620 28th St.  1969!

If you want something unique let me know and I'll have Ross Haywood fix you up with a KEY as a most interesting gift to someone who's heart and soul you'd like to OPEN!

Well, Debussy is grinning
because I doubt this key has anything to do with a door and the Franc is?  the roses he does love
and when I play Perfumes of the Night I KNOW he loves those red roses!

Many keys???  now we use PASS WORDS AS KEYS!  It seems everything I love has a certain pass
word into my heart!


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