Sunday, December 07, 2014


I never look at a person's face or eyes...

I LOOK AT THEIR HANDS.  The hands tell me everything I want or need to know!

Hands breathe, they see, they sense things beyond imagination.

The first hand I ever touched was my mothers hands.  My mother did not have beautiful hands.  She had hands that could do many things. Working hands!

As a very little boy when my mother's hands gently massaged my head and chest... I was HEALED!  Her hands held me in crowds of people.  Her hands fed me food made with her hands... her hands could do magic things when I was a little boy!

I love my hands.  At 68 they tell many stories about my life.  They display bleached spots where I have been burned from cooking on a grill to a bonfire.
Scares from cuts I have endured with chef knives, broken bottles, opening cans that slipped against the tin can...   I have marks from dogs that have gouged me, cats that have scratched me, and some unexplainable scares from??????

My hands have touched the most beautiful things possible!  They have held onto cliffs too high for me to explain.  They have never ever failed me.  They have been my source of making music!!!

OH MY HANDS!  I do not just love you because I am a chef and pianist.  Fingers are only conduits for internal energy.  When one plays piano you use your entire body!  Back, shoulders, arms but the hands need these sacred parts in order to perform all they are capable of making possible.

Hands are one of the many blessings a body has within itself to manifest so many joys and sensuous comforts beyond the expression of words.

There are nights I lift my hands toward the moon (luna) and receive energy and light.  Moonlight is silver sunlight is gold dust... for some unexplainable reason I LOVE THE MOON AND STARS!

One must always discover the parts of the body, mind, other people try so desperately to write about as well as explain all the reasons and reason for having bodies and life on earth.  NO ONE CAN TELL YOU  THE ANSWER!

I have known friends that only look upon people's beautify or ugliness!  Others that only sense something through another one's speaking voice.  Some simply "FEEL" that certain something that vibrates negative or positive...

I learned a most important lesson regarding my own self:  FEEL and TOUCH and SMELL, and HEAR and then LOOK!  What have I always looked at?  hands!

Hands FEEL they touch and they hear as well as can look and smell many things the conscious man cannot experienceI

Love your hands.  They are a mirror of who and what you are.

They speak in a language beyond the stars and heaven.  They are your BLUEPRINT,
NO FINGERPRINT IS THE SAME,  your fingers can reveal all things about you including your spiritual life!

I love to kneed bread dough.  WHY?

I love the feel of piano keys.  WHY?

I love to touch leaves, the petals of flowers, vegetables, fruits, flesh, hair, and rock, sand and water!  I love the touch of silk, wool, cotton, meat, the list is endless...

Hands of time and time of Hands....  hands are sacred gifts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love men's hands. I notice their strength in the veins that feed them from their arms. The scratches and scars from years of work. How neatly they're clipped or how badly they're ignored. All says volumes about the person who carries them. Having anyone hold your hand is an intimate moment of pure connection. You feel the life coursing through the millimeters of skin that separate you both.
Wonderful post hon.