In my 22 years coming to NZ I do not remember such constant wind as we are experiencing!
Do not become confused by the word wind. In NZ, OZ AND GREAT BRITAIN, "WIND" IS: tummy GAS. Wind pain is like having gas pains in America. We take GAS X etc. over the counter pills for gas in America, here they take "Wind Be Gone" ... God, I wish I could fill my truck with human gas and the bugger would hum down the road... NOT, it would fart down the road. I am writing about "mother natures natural WIND!"
Yesterday I was walking into the center and so help me God, I was picked up by the wind and forced to "hang on baby" 'cause I thought at times I would be smashed into a light post or into a tree!
Wind causes my allergies to play up big time. The air is jammed with pollen, dirt, god only knows what and it finds it's way into my sinus passages and lungs.
The sound of wind drives me crazy. It is not music to my ears.
Rain without wind is heaven to my ears. Like gazillions of musical notes falling on the earth. A gentle rain can help me sleep.
I love watching rain drops tap and sigh against the windows as the notes slide into puddles and find peace within the earth.
My plants love gentle rain. It is as if they speak out, saying: "we want to take a rain bath... please!" The damn wind they hate.
The wind breaks their steams, (limbs) rips off their leaves and tears their gorgeous blossoms away from their very existence. The wind seems to be greedy.
I cannot live without mountains. They radiate a certain unexplainable energy that speaks to my very soul... but when one lives inside and around mountains one must understand inversions, and the wind currents which cleanse as well as travel through mountain ranges.
Living at the edge of the Grand Canyon of the Snake River in Wyoming I can almost set my clocks to the moments the winds will pass through the canyons... They do not last for hours, but they have a rapid tempo.
Here in Queenstown we are situated in the most gorgeous southern alps. A huge lake of ice cold water... Lake Wikatipu. Every afternoon around 4 or 5 O'clock the wind comes up then stops. This year the wind is confused. It simply blows when ever?
In the 70's I worked in Rock Springs WY. Evanston WY. and the wind was relentless. Suicides.
I mean the wind drove some people into insane depression and thus they went crazy. (Not such an amazing fact they built the State Mental Institution in Evanston Wy.)
Years ago, driving from Denver to Utah I spent three nights in Evanston because of snow drifts and endless blizzards driven by wind on the open plains. The day the sun shined I carefully drove out of pure white world.
I had a robin egg blue Volx Wagon Bug... that bug was nearly lifted off the highway many times because of wind. Thank god I used it not only as means of transportation, but a storage unit, place to sleep, eat and live inside. Small studio apartment with wheels. I kept it weighted down with STUFF. Thus it did not always shift around like other bugs.
Enough about the damn wind... it is still blowing.
I should probably go through my book case and dig out WIND IN THE WILLOWS.
I loved that book and read it every so many years. I will read it IF I am able to read without the wind grabbing it out of my two hands and giving it flight!
1 comment:
The wind still blows at the canyon and will long after we leave this earth.
The wind blew in our dear friend the shaman to our home yesterday with his new little pitty puppy named Spirt. Shaman took part in a piece of brownie and all is right in the dimension last nite.
Love to you.
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