Last night I watched Monsaingeon's film 'MADEMOISELLE' about Nadia Boulanger. For some reason it saved me from going into a funk of depression...
It is an amazing film about her ability to still teach composition to pupils when she was 90 years old!
With everything that is happening in the world I wonder at times WHY? WHEN? WHERE? HOW? WHERE? WHO?... then I sit with my music and I know without a doubt that life is good... Karmic balance is forever demanding it's justice...
Today I played the piano at St. Peter's for about 2 hours... I played Debussy, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Grieg, Rachmaninoff, and my own compositions... An absolutely gorgeous young woman sat in the pews the entire time I played... she heard me talking to myself... she heard me sigh, moan and groan... When I was finished... she walked up to the piano. Mind you a beautiful woman and dressed in such angelic clothing! She said:
"I've never ever heard such beautiful piano playing in my life." I asked where she was from... BORN IN SANTA FE NEW MEXICO and when she was 4 years old moved to NZ. Father is USA Mother is NZ.
We had a wonderful visit. One never ever knows how sound will touch a certain individual and why they are in the room at that particular moment in time...
The earth quake in Japan is horrendous. It is alarming because it awakens all of us to the fact mother earth is reclaiming her domain.
America is far from broke... it is a capitalistic mega power that depends on oil, and other minerals that are controlled by a very small and most powerful group of people... they control everything... democracy is a big front for some amazing things...
When you start breathing radiation and a few other things besides the shit we already are breathing, take a deep breath and think: HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I can explain it to ya.
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