I just took a photo of my window in my studio.
It is after ten PM and things are becoming darker... These plants are HAPPY!
They live inside a small space that has music playing... COLORS dancing... beautiful scents as well as other herbs and plants thriving on all the surroundings... the drapes behind their arms and hands are orange, red, yellow, lime, and gold crossed with a silver tinge or certain tones one gets from a sunset.
A friend in Alpine, years ago gave me a priceless book. It was about how to grow anything green. I have used the data in that book ever since. At the time she gave me the book her husband had suddenly died. She also picked up the fact I was growing Hen's Bane in my gardens behind my restaurant. Hell, I thought they were gorgeous things... NOT SO: POISON!
If I had been a really good Hippie type boy, or a true farmer I would have grown something worth while... like: DOPE, HERBS for my KITCHEN... no, I grew Hens BANE!
Vikki set me straight...(well not really straight, but on the right road) and we got rid of the poison. I let the gardens go to wrack and ruin. She did help me plant some lovely bulbs that were very exotic... lillies or certain genre and other such things. Well they still thrive and live. People to this day photos of the Oriental Lillies.
Can't live without the plants and pets. THEY SPEAK TO ME IN A LANGUAGE NO ONE WOULD EVER UNDERSTAND except:
J.-Allen Boone. That man is amazing. I only learned about him through another dear friend that is to in tune with pets...
Debbie I will forever be grateful. (She is also a star-seed woman of endless understanding and love.)
I have my trip to the Gold Coast of NZ all planned. I will take you there with me via a camera and my legs.
To think a year ago, I could not do this... two years ago I was for dead... to think I am happy and healthy because of my pets and plants is an enormous stretch of the mind... but I like it.
Love everything you have ever touched, breathed or loved, hated or best of all been involved with!
More later.
1 comment:
I had a similar experience when I first moved to Wyoming. Growing in the front flowerbed was this enormous bushy plant with purple thistle-like flowers. Gorgeous...turned out to be one of the most noxious weeds in the state. Spotted knapweed.
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