The photos say a lot. I thank my lucky stars for my many many many guardian angels. Yellow roses are one of my favorite flowers and these are from our garden her in QT. Nothing quite like Bach and Roses! The sunset last night was amazing...
Summer has at last spread it's sweet smile full of sunshine and roses upon Queenstown NZ. Today was gorgeous.
Had lunch at Gibbston Winery. Grocery shopped at the New World Market in Frankton, and did some odd purchases at The Ware House.
Fell asleep in the garden while reading a book I am enamored to. Damn, I wish I had written it. "god is not GREAT" by Christopher Hitchens. It is a book so full of truth NOT what some BELIEVE to be TRUE, but the actual FACTS about how religion poisons everything. I have forever loved Thomas Paine. What a brave and courageous statesman he was, even though the conservative right would have his name burned to hell... His "Age of Reason" along with Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" changed my life forever.
Surprise, (in my mail box today (on a Sunday?) the DHL delivered it early this morning: a book I have wanted for some time.
"A JESUIT TALE" a novel by John Shekleton. I found this used book on and it will be good money spent.
Yesterday I walked and walked. There is a very sacred walking path along the lake shore. The views are straight out of heaven. I observed the most amazing bird. A pelican standing so regal as if he owned the universe. I walked right up within a foot of his stance. He never ever flinched. HE STARED AT ME DIRECTLY IN MY EYES!
From there I thought I would play piano at St. Peter's but as I approached the cathedral doors music... I had forgotten that the Ensemble Festival is going on. OMG. WHAT MUSIC. A cellist, violinist and pianist making the most delicious chamber music!
Besides the musicians were all within their early thirties and they were so easy on the eyes.
I sat for over an hour listening to their rehearsal. It was very sensual as well as mysterious... I was observing something few people would or could appreciate.
I also was filled with a strange sadness... I have not ever actually performed the classical ensemble compositions of such great masters. Yes, I have always played with other musicians in a JAZZ setting, but this was something that "touched" a place in my heart that has never ever been touched!
I walked out of the church feeling JOY. The live music and the beauty of those young people's musical talents touched me beyond anything I can ever explain.
Joy for all the music I have ever made in my life so far and for the music that was created long before my life as well as for all the music that will be created after my life on earth as I know it.
Sun light and moonlight are heavenly blessings filled with music.
1 comment:
There are only two different political systems in the world. One is the oldest which is where the elite few rule the many. That has been around since man first walked on the earth. These are the Chiefs, Kings, Emperors, Sultans, Caliphs and dictators, regardless of labels. The other has been around for almost 400 years in one place, America. Ayn Rand is one of the best describing how we work. It is where individual interests are more important than community interests, where the people rule themselves through constitutions, charters, elected representatives and law. The value of individual life is greater in the newer system, primarily because it rises out of religious beliefs, mainly Judeo-Christian teachings. Look at who gives the most help to Haiti, and who the least. For those nations that do not value individual life, the help provided is mainly for image, while America actually helps. America is condemned for it because that help is seen as unnecessary in saving lives deemed worthless.
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