November 5th marked exactly one year since I was operated on for cancer and other problems. A year ago I did not really care if I lived or died. I was that ill. I weighted 139 pounds. I looked like hell and felt worse than hell.
Yesterday I walked back into my "Green Cathedral" where I could tune into nature and thank the universe for all of my blessings.
Something caught my eye, in over 20 years of walking through these woods I have never noticed this amazing old apple tree. All it's leaves had fallen to the ground along with some very ripe apples. It was honestly a sight to behold. This tree which looks liked a broken umbrella all decorated in ornaments of different hues in reds, yellows, pinks and greens.
I reached up into the boughs and picked an apple. Polished it's skin to a brilliant sheen, then carefully took a bite out of this forbidden fruit!
It was delicious. I sat on the ground and leaned my back up against the trunk of the apple tree... then it happened, the most beautiful sound in the world... a symphony of birds. All the cedar and pine trees were full of choirs singing individual melodies yet all in symphony with each other's personal composition! The sky was pale blue and low rain clouds scudded by as the wind picked up tempo. I simply could not move. I sat there beside the tree eating it's gifts, rain drops kissing my head, neck and shoulders as I watched the wind and birds all fly away toward the west.
I had a marshal arts teacher that claimed eating a fresh peach could clear one's mind and body of all kinds of negative vibrations.
Well, I have found that a true organic apple, rain drops and bird song can fill one with unexplainable peace and joy.
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