Australia is an amazing Continent, Island, what ever... (they never really tell you what they think they are land wise!) It is the same size as the USA lacking about 16 miles. The recent movie titled AUSTRALIA is a long long movie, but worth a view... It expresses the stoic strong soul of Aussies...
In 1988 Yellowstone was in flames... it truly was a terrible year. (It was also a DADDY BUSH YEAR! GO FIGURE!) Pine trees have "sap" from which turpentine is made ... it also has so many other wonderful healing elements. Pine nuts are one of the natural "nuts" loaded with protein. The Italians knew the tiny white nuts were of value. Pine nuts are one of the sacred parts of a great PESTO!
OZ is burning up and down! also drowning in floods... Like America. Hot, cold, wet, dry, as the Bible says, You will not know one season from the other!
Actually it is the earth evolving in her own progression as a living being. This spaceship we live on is cleaning house and developing some "NEW PARADISES... PLACES... PEOPLE..." Lots of humans like to think we are controlled by a God that JUDGES... well we are what we are and what we are is energy.
More stories begin tonight as it is raining and cold in QT New Zealand. This drop in the barometric pressure always sets my creative cells into motion... musically or written words... sometimes color, painting... I do not dance well in the rain anymore.
Secrets are escaping from the hidden chambers of my heart and mind that I thought I had buried years ago. Guess what? They are not bad memories, they are what has made me a person!
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