Friday, December 19, 2008

To Worry OR NOT to WORRY?

The past few days I have received many alerts pertaining to the current economic and the political situation in the USA and the world.

Many persons that I hold in high esteem because they are intelligent, (and far wiser than me), tell me one must have certain items on hand in order to handle the up coming events. Mainly food and medical/health supplies.

Others tell me it is all hype, the media has gone bonkers and to over react it exactly how the powers that be; CONTROL US EARTHLINGS!

Well, I do know that the economy in the USA has gone to hell. For some it is a blessing. BUY, BUY and then some more buying properties, stocks and what ever else will make tons of money in the years to come, however, if you are a wage earner or even less, (of which I was for years) you do not view this situation as a blessing!

I must agree with one thing: A person is stupid that does not have the knowledge and the energy to grow a vegetable garden. A person is stupid that will not question authority and it's source or information. One should and must plan for bad times. Having plenty of rice, flour, sugar and water on hand is not an insane idea. Having canned goods, mainly beans, meats and fruits in cases is a very good thing because it saves not only trips to the grocery, but there are times you simply do not want to do the daily shopping thing. (If you are chef, you love seeing the things you need when inspiration tells you to create a certain food item, and the ingredients are there, in your pantry!)

I have always maintained that a person should have a supply of antibiotics, pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs at the ready, because I have seen and lived through some times in my past that required such things and they were not available due to situations occurring on weekends, holidays or being out of the country and needing help!

Matches, and batteries are a reality, plus extra blankets and first aid kits, and I am not talking about the early Gurl Scout packs. You can purchase a fabulous first aid kit on line or from any pharmacy. I keep one in my kitchen in the restaurant and it is one of the most valuable instruments within the range of creating food. (not counting gallons of Aleve, Advil, and Xanax.)

Ships are sitting in ports around the world that are supposed to be sailing to America. They are full of iron ore, food, raw materials for making everything from drugs to condoms... THEY WILL NOT SAIL! WHY? America has no credit. America cannot be trusted to pay the debt. We barrow from China just to keep our war with Iraq going! Would you send a billion dollar cargo ship to Seattle when you are not sure IF they can give you the money owed, let alone, a credit card?

I say: Put cash aside in a safety deposit box, in a Kerr Jar in the garden! Buy staples in cases, huge amounts. Like: a flat of pork 'n beans, a case of black beans, a case of stewed tomatoes, a case of tuna fish, a case of pasta, a few extra boxes of salt, pounds of flour. YEAST! OMG if you don't know how to make bread LEARN! Sugar is important as well as all kinds of lentils, root veggies, like: Carrots, Cabbage, Beets, Potatoes, Turnips... stuff you can grown on the very earth your living on!

Do keep in mind: you may want to stash away some booze? Cheap WINE! Diet Coke and CHIPS! I really doubt digital devices will disappear. WHY? THEY WERE ALWAYS THERE WE SIMPLY DID NOT KNOW HOW TO CONNECT WITH THEM, besides we are only digits with in a HOLOGRAPHIC INTERCONNECTED PARADIGM. My friend Diviana calls it HIP. The universe and everything in it is a majestic dream unfolding within an infinite supremely whole and infinite hologram... (Diviana)

God will work with you but nor for you! I learned that thousands of years ago, that is why the Mormon Church hates me as well as the Catholics and most of all the Baptists. Some say it is GAY ISSUES! NOT SO! I know, that they DON'T KNOW and that is ALARMING as HELL to MOST, CHRISTIANS!

All day, I have been slowly simmering a fantastic all natural vegetable soup. Used everything from cabbage to beans. I dug through every shelf and drawer we had in this house for what ever in hell could be put into a stew. Well, I just took a break and ran upstairs. It is divine. I chopped some of my glorious herbs and lots of onions and other goodies to make the stock.
Wish you were here. Natural delight tonight!

Stock up on the things you always use and most of all stock up of light, love and fearlessness.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Honey I'm inspired. TO hell with the world falling around our ankles like raunchy tea room trade. I'm making a list right now of things we'll need to keep our fat arses fat. I've even got a bottle of xanax on hand, how gracious the angels are. Know that y'all are never far from our minds here as we sniffle our way towards the holidays.