Wyoming has been blest with an abundance of sunshine and gorgeous summer weather. It seemed the last couple of weeks would never end, but everything has come right with my parents and most things at work are great.
I once read where IF when things become intolerable in one's life, if you take pen in hand and write down every single thing
you are grateful for one's entire attitude can change. I have filled a journal full of items in the past two weeks... from every
wild flower and wild animal that greets me each morning as I walk to the restaurant, right down to the fact I can breathe!
I have made some amazing transitions in the past 6 months. When I lost all the feeling in my 5th, 4th, and 3rd fingers of my Left Hand last December I did not cry, I was amazed to think such a thing could happen to me. I speak from my heart with my hands!
When I realized my knee was "going south" on me and needed surgery, I was horrified... the list goes on and on, yet, I find I am at a different place in my heart, mind and body! I have regained the feeling in the fingers of my left hand. I can play for up to a half hour every day without pain... mind, you, I am not performing the Grieg Piano Concerto, but falling in love with things I have always adored for years... the piano is till my best friend.
My knee is perfect! I go into the kitchen of my restaurant by 7:30 AM and stand for the most part of every day cooking until 2:00 PM, then relax and return to work for the evening, standing from 5:00 PM until at least 11:00 PM without pain!!!!!! Summer is a wonderful season. I am not complaining about the heat in fact I quite like being warm!
More later, love and light from the Rocky Mountains.
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