I had to share a photo I just took of my fresh Lavender. It grows like magic bean stocks in the garden. It is a wonderful cleansing agent and antibiotic. I cut fresh Lavender every other day and fill my space with it's tall and powerful arms.
Did not sleep last night. Tossed, turned, sat up, got up, went back to bed... finally felt like I was trying to catch a fish in the net of the wind... Somewhere between starlight and first light of morning I finally fell into a fitful slumber. I awoke at 7:30 AM. Made myself a potato and onion omlette with feta cheese and rye bread washed down with strong coffee.
I drove out to Anna's for my 10:00 AM reflexology appointment. I love my sessions with Anna.
About half way through my hour of relaxation and massage, I suddenly had a "flash decision"...
This week I will set the appointment for X-rays on my trashed elbow and dilapidated knee joint. I take these X-rays to the surgeon that worked on a dear friend of mine here in Arrowtown. He will then decide IF it is Arthritis or can be operated on.
I am sick and tired of being mean and hateful because I am in pain and discomfort most of time. I am angry because I hurt and cannot seem to heal myself. Well, DAAAHHHH it is front of my brain at around 10:30 AM... Simply get the damn thing fixed.
We are driving to Invercargill in the morning for a day and a night. Invercargill is where I recorded my OPEN HEART recording.
I love the place. The southern most city on planet earth... SO I AM TOLD.
Tonight I will sleep. I have made up my mind to get this thing repaired and put it behind me. Such a beautiful conclusion. BUT, it was one only myself could make for myself. I kept hoping I could hold off until I turned 65 and could use some that tax money I have dumped into Medicare over the past years... I would rather have it operated on down here than in the states.
I'll Be Seeing you... in all the old familiar places, that this heart of mine embraces all day through... in that small cafe, the park across the way, the children's carosel, the chestnut tree the wishing well....
I love that song. Only thing was I hated the way Liberace sang it! Sorry~ John Geary sings it like an angel.
1 comment:
Click on the ? mark where the photo should be. It will come up... you can almost smell it.
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