Today my sister sent me a copy of a painting she has created for me.
(I did not have the slightest idea she was creating a painting for me!) The painting is called "Man and a Blue Piano"
... Amazingly enough, this relates to many things. I will post a picture of the painting later, but it has a full moon, mountains, a blue grand piano and a man with blonde hair sitting on a red chair playing a piano. A bouquet of flowers... Steinway and Sons created a BLUE GRAND STEINWAY PIANO in memory of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue or his Birthday or something he did??What a sweet blessing on my heart, body and mind! Also a special friend of mine published a book she wrote called, THE BLUE PIANO AND OTHER STORIES...
Yesterday my NZ neighbor, who is a fantastic talent here in NZ as well as internationally, such a artist, brings over a HUGE TROUT. Fresh, he had caught it, cleaned it and gave it to us. I am the only one in the family that eats fish! I baked it in some olive oil, herbs and white wine... Well, it is simply gorgeous. I am eating it as I type this blog. It is so moist and such an exciting taste. Fresh, NOT FROZEN, FRESH TROUT when steamed or poached can almost taste like sex! Sorry for that information, but true. (Kind of like mushrooms for some people reminds them of ___!
Went into a strange museum in Clyde today. Old photos, old copies of music under glass, wedding dresses and type writers from the 1800's!!! Such amazing things that signaled a chemical in my brain and that chemical sent a signal to my emotions that sang a song about how I have been here before! I understand all this... I could not leave the old photos of the rugby teams... I kept seeing a face I KNOW! God it was like the movie "Somewhere In Time"...
I also received a wonderful long letter written in very tiny hand printed script from a soul mate and friend. She had made the card on pink paper with a picture of a dining room filled with flowers and table settings on a pink table cloth... She wrote about a walk we had taken out to Farewell Spit a few years back... I have a scrap book of the entire hike through the Golden Bay! She is one of my soul sisters and such a pure hearted woman. She takes the scent of every rose and breathes it into her very blood. She sees a sunset and it becomes her. She is a Goddess...
The Universe gave me a wonderful book to read at the moment. A novel by Kate Mosse, SEPULCHER. Full of stuff I love and most of all DEBBUSY!!! Life is not so bad after all. All I ever need to do is: Relax and breathe in the moment and I am forever amazed at the blessings I have.
The moon should be about 75% full tonight. At about midnight I may have to pour a half glass of Pinot and fill the rest of the glass with moonlight! Starlight is so magical when it enters a cup of moonlight and ruby Pinot Noir...
I'll Be Seeing You...