Because, making delicious, sensuous, nutritious food is exactly like making delicious, sensuous life giving music. Same elements... like making soups. You begin with a lusty bass, be it a vegetable or meat stock, then add a thrilling Tenor that can be meat, vegetables, the Altos sing in a deep throated vibrato of curry, tarragon, rosemary, garlic sometimes basil and other herbs, then you give it the high tones, the sparkling Soprano touch, heavy cream, a dash of red or white wine, possibly fresh green onions and minced garlic or shredded cheeses, sometimes fresh parsley does the trick. All four parts must sing in perfect symphonic harmonics in order for the effects of subject matter, (melody) Harmony (overtones that resonate) color and timber
the thing that catch the eye and heart as well as scent... Ahhhhh the magic of scent. Food radiates a perfum that touches the senses in different ways for each individual person.
This photo was taken by my table attendant yesterday after lunch. I look like I am dazed, possibly drunk on not having enough sleep, but I am happy and NOPE! I am far from being drunk!
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