Friday, August 11, 2006

Up lifting graves.

Preludes & Fugues

Monday was an interesting day:
There is a very old cemetery here in Alpine. It is hidden in a forest of trees near a 4-H Camp ground. In 1969 by Partner's oldest and youngest brothers died in a plane crash in the near by mountains. They were buried in that cemetery. In 1988 Michael's father was buried in the same cemetery next to the boys. After many problems over the years with the cemetery Michael decided to uplift the graves, have the bodies cremated and build a beautiful memorial on the property the house we live in sits on.
Monday all three coffins were lifted. The lids had collapsed. The bodies were pretty much gone except for some clothing, jewelry and newspaper clippings that were placed in the coffins.
FIRST TIME IN over thirty years the boys had seen sunlight! It was not a scary, spooky ordeal, just a very emotional and traumatic experience in the fact that it brought back so many buried feelings...and the stark facts of how we deal with the dead and their remains!
I will say this: I do not wish to be buried in a totally black hole in the ground to rot and never be a part of the elements! What a barbaric, ancient ritual, of mummy-fying a human body with poison and then burying it 6 feet under ground to decay! Free the remains to the winds and sun and starlight!
Death will come to us all and I am sure when I am dead I will not care where and what in hell is done to my remains, but IF I LOVED SOMEONE I WOULD NOT BURY THEM IN BLACKNESS but set their remains free to soar with their spirit as it free from the body. Cremation is not a bad thing!
Now, at last all three of these loved ones are in a safe place and closure has taken place! Come see the memorial. Of course we will charge a small fee for the viewing of the STONES!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

M must have been a wreck by the end of the day. I can't fathom having to move the ancients to a new condo and have to see what they've done to the place since thier final goodbyes... Hugs to you and M hun,