I love being nearly 60! Not because of the sagging skin, fuzzy eye sight and moments of body pain, I love it because of the "emotional and spiritual POWERS" one can seem to experience without warning! Be it years of programing or just a normal part of aging, but I did something a few days ago I have attempted to achieve on and off over the past 60 years: WHEN ONE HAS A PROBLEM SIMPLY TURN IT OVER TO THE UNIVERSE. In other words do nothing, but tell the universe that you trust in what the outcome will be and move on.
A few days ago I experienced a very traumatic situation with a dear friend. After tears, screaming and all that shit she walked out crying. Well, I simply went into the forest and gave all my inner emotions to the universe saying: "I trust, that this problem will be resolved and nothing of a negative nature will result from these words and feelings of distress."
Worked! Or did I just drop into some abyss of denial, or do some things really work out for the best when WE GET OUR EGOS OUT OF THE WAY?
Regardless, I am so pleased that I kept my mouth shut, tried to reach out and give some comfort, but that most of all I did not EMPOWER anyone or Idea by not reacting to the situation and simply allowing it to play itself out according to the script that was written in life's book of karmic events.
I only wish I could react this way when my computer goes into ADA syndrome or I play every wrong note imaginable during a rendition of a Beethoven Sonata!
ILLUSIONS. Kenue Reeves said everything in our life and the universe is a WAVE.
Well, It's a wave when your not looking at it and it is a particle when you observe the wave! WAVES, PARTICLES, WHAT EVER, The universe came through for me!
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