Sunday, May 07, 2006

Joys of ART!

Preludes & Fugues
Music has been recognized as the most abstract of the arts. Films, painting, sculpture, theater, dance all ignite images of real-life situations, music creates a metaphor in the mind and heart of the listener. This metaphor can cause buried memories of love, hate, anger, fear, and hurt that ONLY THE VIBRATIONS OF MUSIC CAN EXPESS.

I have always had a deep appreciation for poetry and music as well as the visual arts. Tonight as I write I have two gorgeous pieces of art that are music to my eyes and body. My sister T. is a great artist. At Christmas she gave me a beautiful "study" she had drawn of DaVinci's "ANGEL" The eyes in this drawing are haunting. I hung it beside my piano so as to see it as I practice. I believe we all have guardian angels that guard and inspire us. And many of us are Angels in waiting.

Walking Wounded has the most honored place in my room, he sits on my grand piano. He vibrates so much love and patience. Heart break and unexplainable sadness and yes, JOY! I touch him every morning and night. His eyes reach across the room as I write this! The man that created this has channeled something in clay that is made out of the essence of music!

To be blest by the talents of friends is amazing. I often say that I talk to the dead, well I also talk to art!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think in some ways I deminish my work when I talk about it. Wounded is one of those pieces. I cried so many tears with music in my ears when I created [read birthed him]. I can't tell you how glad I am that he is with you. I would only want good homes for all my babies but this one I felt that if I didn't get good references from the universal agency on his new home, he wasn't going to leave my side. Thank you for taking him in and playing your song to him.