Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Preludes & Fugues
I have written 5 blogs the past 24 hours and just before posting them I hit the delete key! Is it my sub conscious mind or some other force NOT allowing me to publish these recent blogs?

Yesterday I went to the Clinic at 2:45 PM. The Doctor was over 6' tall, a look a like for George Clooney! I mean it. All fear and anxiety dissipated to, PLEASE INJECT ALL OF MY CREASES! He was excellent. He explained that BOTOX does not take years off your face. Only a face lift 'sometimes' achieves that desired result. Botox takes three months IN, three months OUT. Meaning, I will need another treatment three months from now. Then it will hold for usually 6 months, then another treatment and from then on once a year.

I had 13 injections. Three between the eyes, two on each side of the forehead, three on each side of eyes for crow's feet, one on each side of the lower jaw. NO PAIN, NO SWELLING, NO BRUISING.
THIS MORNING SAME OLD MOSAIC THAT HAS STARRED BACK AT ME FOR YEARS. So we'll see in a couple of weeks. BTW this was not a cheap date. It cost over $800.00 NZD.

Life is an adventure and one can't complain about something IF one has not taken advantage of all the ways to overcome something they wish to change. Mind you smile lines are not life threatening, but I would like to appear a bit smoother and awake!
I'm outta here.

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