Wednesday, November 30, 2016


I do not know if the word THANKFUL is what I feel.  GRATEFUL is possibly a better word?  I am forever "in love" with the miracles I experience every day and night.

In my 20's 30's and 40's I did not comprehend and appreciate many parts of my body, mind and spirit.
I am a "sensitive".  I FEEL and SENSE VIBRATIONS.  The vibrations can be COLOR, or SOUND.

I am a 70 year old man who is now discovering so many miracles about myself.  These miracles are the things I am so very grateful and thankful for.

SIGHT.  I can see!  I can read, write and draw.  I can see mountains, trees, people's faces...

HEARING.  I can hear wind, rain on the roof, foot steps, breathing, music, human voices and the voices of animals.  The music of the spheres.

TOUCH.  I can feel rose petals. rocks, food, piano keys, skin, hair, leaves, soft, smooth, hard, wet, hot, cold, sharp, dull and I can touch the sky with my own two hands.

TASTE.  Sweet, sour.  Smooth and creamy harsh and tangy.  Salty, rancid, fresh, stale, tender, tough.

SCENT.  To be able to "smell" a forest, the brine of the sea.  baking bread and chocolate.  A garden in full blossom and it's sensuous perfumes.  To smell what is rotten and what is fresh.  Grilled onions and beef, oregano, rosemary, curry.  Cinnamon, nutmeg and milk.  Rain on fallen leaves.  I was once told that the last SENSE you loose upon your death is your ability to smell.


An entire universe within the mind and every cell of one's DNA.

My Thanksgiving for once in my life was just THANKING ALL THAT HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ME!


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy 70th Birthday1

Dinner at the Millennium Hotel and our dear neighbor Clare Waddock made a deliciously insanely
far too rich of a cake.  I've managed to munch down most of!

I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would live in this dimension of existence for 70 years!!!!!!!

I'm loving my down time in QT.  Rutha from USA flew into QT this morning.  She will spend Thanksgiving with us!  I have the turkey ready to be popped into the oven before bed time.  Rutha is
making REAL PUMPKIN Pie.  She is baking REAL dinner rolls and I'm making potatoes and the gravy.  Karina and Jimmy will drive to QT from CHCH tomorrow and return our many plants.  Karina can rescue any plant from death.  Can't wait to have the house full of living plants.  They love music and plants reveal a lot about how a person's emotional life plays itself out day by day.

I'm still plugging away at my book?!?!?!  but I think this blog has been enough of a book for the past many years.  Thus, I am returning to blogging and writing about my everyday walk a bouts.  The interesting people I encounter and most of all the thoughts that wander inside my mind and heart.

More later.  It's nice to be back on this site!