Saturday, December 22, 2012


I usually never post anything political or controversial on my blog however, due to the recent shooting in the USA of innocent children and people that were kind and caring human beings murdered in the name of what?  Insanity?  Freedom to bare arms?  Mental Illness? Because we have a culture hooked on sensationalism of blowing up buildings, killing humans with machine guns, releasing anger and hate by murdering the "images" of things that remind them of their past when they were abused, injured, unjustly accused of sins...  I need to write.

I grew up in a house with guns.  NOT GUNS THAT THE MILITARY WOULD USE IN WARS!

My father hunted deer every autumn.  The rifles were secured in a wooden box he had made with pad locks, just in case we kids got into places we had no business poking around in?

When I was 12-14 I saved money and purchased a Remington 22 rifle.  I took very precious care of that rifle.  I shot birds, I was a killer!!!!!!!!  I NEVER IN MY WILDEST FANTASIES EVER IMAGINED TURNING THAT 22 ONTO A HUMAN BEING?  Was something wrong with me?

I went Deer Hunting once.  I lay ed the bead of a gun on the head of a deer.  I fell to pieces.  I could not shoot living and breathing creature with gorgeous eyes and such a Lethe body such as a deer!  I was forgiven and told not to worry.
I happen to love Venison.  Elk and Venison are two of my favorite meats!  I simply cannot kill animals.

I has forever amazed and the fact stunned me spiritually and mentally that a country like America can use such a mantra as: IN GOD WE TRUST,  yet use weapons of mass destruction?  WHY?  WHERE IS GOD... and do not tell me he needs guns to keep his image perfectly in tact?  When CHRIST WAS BORN PEOPLE WERE NOT KILLING EACH OTHER WITH GUNS~  go figure!

I was bullied in grade school as a child.  The image or thought of killing one of the four bullies that beat up on me with a gun,  DAMIT IT NEVER EVER ENTERED MY MIND.  I was raised to believe in arbitration.  One talked things out... they made peace agreements...

In my many years of traveling, my own regrets and pain, my own joys and discoveries of love I have learned:  SAFETY IS ACHIEVED IN SIDE THE MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL DNA OF OUR MINDS AND SOULS.  NOT ANYWHERE ELSE.  NO CHURCH, NO GOVT.  NO, NO, NO!


Why are America's so damn afraid of death?  Why can they not put all of their faith in their GOD and live in peace and harmony?  I know, many do, but they forget that even CHINA has made great changes... USSR is not the same country as when I was a little boy...  Viet Nam?  I went there 3 times. I can only imagine what many men witnessed during the 2nd WW.  Remember when Bush had the vision to blow up Iraq?  They had not attacked us?  Iraq is the cradle of civilization?  Why in hell did he not blow the hell out of Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia? blow them off the earth?  They ATTRACT US.  We have 8,000 missiles that can blow us into dust... into the next universe of?  WE NEED THEM.

If Americans honestly believe in the Bible... NOT THE OLD TESTAMENT:  Jesus said:  I give you a new commandment:  LOVE ONE ANOTHER as I HAVE LOVED YOU.  That had nothing to do with REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRATIC MORALS.    IT IS PLAIN AS DAY,  LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  That translates:  you love and forgive everything in your life.  IF NOT YOU WILL SUFFER.  That means you must forgive yourself and love homosexuals, mentally ill people, humans that have strange and different belief systems... polygamists, politician's, popes, prophets, circus acts, and musicians...

America is a "WAR MACHINE"...  we manufacture bombs, guns, weapons... we cannot use them so let's sell them to 3rd world countries...  we already sell enough to Americans.

I have friends with over 50 guns in their homes...  IN GOD WE TRUST?  If God cannot protect you from a bullet or death?  One must spend some time with nature and a trained counselor...  hate and anger has become a part of America that I do not like.  Get rid of Hennity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck... you will once again give me a Republican Party I used to believe in.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Queenstown Dec. 22, 2012 The end of the world...

Ah!  We made it.  All the doom sayers have to know that most of the humans and animals on earth including plant life made it, we are fine.  The Mayan Calendar has some flaws appearently, but It did not stop many people from the RAPTURE of building underground bunkers and buying food, water and guns in order to survive.  At my age I trust in GOD a bit more than the calendars!  Death is not horrible.  It is peace and love away from the angst and pain of life on earth.

Spring Cherry Blossoms on a flag hanging inside my studio door window.  Nice image of love, light and peace...

NOLA November 2012

Sunday Brunch with baby sister, TJ, and Stephanie and Jim.  Great food as always in New Orleans.

Rehearsal at Yamaha.  This piano was divine.  It simply breathed.  It loved me!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Gorgeous summer day

Ah!  Finally SUMMER!

I am such a slob.  I did not take any photos, however, my chicken salad on croissants with all kinds of sides was a BIG SUCCESS!    I put dill in my chicken salad.  It gives it a certain TANG and BANG!

I invented a new recipe for PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES.  They honestly turned out divine.  I have not baked cookies in years.  I will recreate my old COWBOY Cookies from the 60's.  They needed lots more butter and nutmeg.  I will get it all figured out.   Must be old age and the holidays... the cookies?

Loving my life within the Autumn of my life means:  I love very SMALL PARTIES.  Meaning:  No more than 4 extra people.  Why?  Because I can listen, that means hear what the people are discussing...  I can SEE the expressions on their faces, I can FEEL the ENERGY they are radiating...

This afternoon I had two of my dearest friends in for lunch and wine.  Karina trained me for years at the old BODY WORKS GYM here in QT.  She is a MONSTER when it comes to DOING WHAT YOU MUST DO TO DEVELOP SHOULDERS, LEGS, the list is endless...  Now, we laugh at all of the past and muse how enamored we were to having a perfect body!  My space suit is just fine the way it is, but I still have to go to a gym 3 times a week?  I am SCREWED UP?  No, it makes me feel good.

Karina and Jimmy Karina's  partner have a new baby.  A Jack Russell 8 months old named Charlie.  What a joy this dog is!  They have moved from the city that keeps rocking and shaking, Christchurch.  They bought a house in Alexandra.  I LIKE Alex.  It is a very NZ community.  So they are now within an hours drive away from QT.

My studio window is full of plants!  I have to plant the out side wall of my studio with pansies, etc......
We are finally finding our legs on a and within a new lifestyle and planet?


Wednesday, December 05, 2012


For over 28 years we have opened The Nordic Inn Memorial Day Weekend and closed for the year end of September.  There have been the odd years when we were open during the winter season or remained open into mid October because of fine weather and tourists.

I work 14 hours a day 7 days a week from the hour we first open the doors for business until we close.  This is not a living hell for me.  I love what I do for a living.

I have never worked a job that I did not like.   The years I made a living playing piano... I did not take on gigs that were not pleasant or paid me NOT a decent wage.  I simply would quit a job IF it meant some kind of anxiety and hell for me mentally, physically and spiritually.

Mind you, I do not escape from problems and challenges within the work place.  Work is work.  Work should and must reward us in ways that makes us happy.  Be it money, acclaim, self esteem.

I did not learn how to play piano easily.  I WORKED at it.  PRACTICED for hours beyond my own imagination.  I made mistakes.  Lots of wrong notes but sometimes one cannot learn the correct notes without hitting the wrong ones first!

One thing I WAS A TOTAL FAILURE AT:  SCHOOL WORK.  HOMEWORK as it is called!  I simply hated doing homework.  I would practice piano for hours instead of sitting with my books with pencil and paper at hand.   I loved listening to lectures in class at College and University, but the homework... OMG........  if the course was being taught by a charismatic teacher I could manage to retain their lectures inside my head, but IF NOT!  FAILURE.

Sorry, I am drifting off the subject of SUNDAY BRUNCHES.  Years ago I decided to make Sunday Mornings a special event within the restaurant.  Change the daily menu and offer a Brunch menu 'round 11 AM until 1:00 PM.  It was a success but like so many ideas that are so fun in the beginning they can turn into MONSTERS.

I always know when Sunday rolls around because on Saturday evening after the dinner hours I stay up prepping for SUNDAY BRUNCH.  Sunday Brunch at Brenthoven's can easily serve over a 100 plates.  I am a very small intimate restaurant and take pride in not rushing people over their meals, allowing space and time for every one's needs but Sundays can prove to be something of a ADVENTURE.

This year 2012 has been such a year of tragic and comedic adventures on SUNDAY BRUNCH'S.  I now call them:  SUNDAY CRUNCHES.  I will not bore one with all the details except for one event which I could not ever imagine would ever happen.

Picture a PERFECT SUMMER'S DAY...  Patio is full, inside the restaurant is FULL...  drinks, coffee are flowing... Sara is on both stations.  She is a brilliant waitress.  I have help in the kitchen even though orders are PILING UP LIKE BRICKS...  eggs are not cooking on the stove or on the grill.  French Toast is WET.  My hell, it has been on the grill for over 20 minutes!!!  Water will not boil for Eggs Benedict...  Sara is NOT SCREAMING, but WOULD LIKE TO, "WHERE IN HELL ARE MY ORDERS???????!!!!!!!##$%%^^&"  I am going crazy.

I AM OUT OF PROPANE.  In Western WY we use Propane tanks.  WTH?  We have people asking WHY?  We have people ANGRY?  We have un happy people.  I tell Sara, "You will have to tell them we are out of GAS!"  She is not in the least amused.  She is very kind to me but informs me SHE WILL NOT AND CAN NOT TELL PEOPLE TO GET UP AND LEAVE.  Matt, my "gofer" Sous chef in training says, (I'll tell 'um!)  he does!!!

Another Sara comes to my aid.  Sara Need.  She walks up to my service window and says, "Brent, Bill can fix most anything do you want him to look at the situation?"  "Sure Sara"  I have propane bottles I use on the patio on cold evenings... Billy Neeb saves my ass.  He used the flex tube from the big propane tank and connects it to the line going into my kitchen.  Eggs begin to sizzle, water finds it's bubbles, French Toast becomes crispy...  I owe the man a big favor.

We lost 30 some odd customers not out of anger, but we could not accommodate them.  I was a dead man walking when I went to bed after brunch and the evening dinner shift.

Every Sunday came with open smiling arms full of challenges.  The time the power went out.  Toasters will not work.  Coffee maker STOPS.  FANS.  Fans are a very important life source in a kitchen!

The Sunday a biker on the deck is having a heart attack.  He is 39 years old!  I thought it was my cooking!  He had suffered with heart problems from a very early age.  BUT WHY ON MY SUNDAY BRUNCH DAYS...

The Sundays I RAN OUT OF BACON!  WORST THING:  OUT OF HOME FRIED POTATOES. I make my home fries from real potatoes.  NOT FROZEN ETC.  The list is endless.

I believe it is a sign from the universe.  I must simply go BACK to normal breakfast on Sunday.  Lunch at 11:30 til 1:00 PM.

It is 10 minutes after 5 in the afternoon in QT.  Wine TIME.  I have many times said:  To Goodness and Wisdom we only make promises; we OBEY PAIN.  Well, my pain tells me no more Sunday Brunch just normal stuff!

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

New Zealand at last! Dec. 2012

Driving to Idaho Falls in route to NOLA and NYC.  I do appear to be OUT OF MY MIND and BODY.  No worries.  I made it.  New Orleans was heaven, the food beyond imagination.  NYC will forever be the center of universe for me and Batman.

House in Alpine first snow storm.  We had the house painted this year.  It was looking like something out of What ever Happened to Baby Jane!  This was not a heavy snow storm.

2 dozen YELLOW ROSES for my B day in NYC.  Every year I get two dozen yellow roses for my Birthday.  Only thing missing???  I love yellow roses with sweet peas!!!!!!!!!  Notice the Beethoven Sonata beside the vase!

Arrived in QT a day late.  Flew on the new Qantas Air Bus from LAX to Sydney AU.  Quiet, and no bumps.  It makes for a slower flight, but so comfy.  Leg room.  MIND YOU WE DO NOT TRAVEL in Business or First Class!  Missed the connection flight to QT so Qantas put us up in a swank hotel downtown Sydney, all meals, drinks, taxi fares, rooms PAID FOR.  Hell, it would have saved them money to simply put us on the flight to QT.

It is spring time.  Pansies are in blossom.  Roses are gorgeous.  Started back at the gym today.  UGH!  I remember the days I pranced around this town in tank tops!  NO MORE!  BUT:  I do believe in the magic of exercise and it does allow me to eat.  If I do not work out I could be 400 lbs.

Tomorrow, I will begin writing about the events of the past summer.  Stay tuned.