Friday, May 18, 2012

Home in Wyoming

Left New Zealand on April 25th.  Long trip.  12 hour flight from Auckland to LAX.  Hour and 45 min. from LAX to SLC, UT.

The weather was wonderful.  Early spring.  Spent a week with my family.

The day we were preparing everything for the drive from Utah to Wyoming I began sweating from head to toe... could not breathe, my heart was pounding like a frantic drummer...  my mother called 911.  The rapid, amazing EMT service saved my life.

Spent hours in ER then over night in hospital.  I have pulmonary artery disease...  I have suffered with asthma ever since I was a little tiny boy!  I was also experiencing panic attacks.  Okay, lots of tests, drugs, prescriptions were filled and I returned to my parents house.

Plans were we would leave the next morning for Alpine.  We packed the truck with suit cases, supplies for the business and were about to say goodbyes when all of a sudden I could not breathe.  What the hell is going on????????  Michael drove me directly to the ER.  Asthma attack.  Damn I had to spend another night in hospital.  Lots of oxygen, relief from stress.
Next morning I was out of hospital and drove the four hours to Alpine, WY.
I am feeling okay.  Have my moments, but I am so happy to be back in the arms of these mountains and able to walk along the mighty Snake River.

Will open the Nordic Inn and my restaurant the night of the 25th.  It will be flat out work 24/7 until Oct.
I do have wonderful employees and I love my work.  I hope to keep this blog up to date during the summer because it is my life's journal.  Stay tuned!