"Oh, it's a long long time from May till September..."
The words and melody to this classic song will never die. Like the song, The Autumn Leaves... I love that melody.
When I sit alone at the keyboard and allow my musical muses to play my fingers I invariably play "The Autumn Leaves fall by my window, the autumn leaves of red and gold..."
I have written about the Autumn Season many times within this blog and some that follow the blog know of my mysterious love for this time of the year.
Yes, I survived my summer of waking between 6 or 6:30 AM and going to sleep around midnight 24/7. Each morning the alarm jolts me out of slumber. I stagger to my sacred place, hit the green button on my Mr. Coffee Maker and turn my chair toward the eastern sky. After the first sips of java, I take in the morning star, the last traces of moonlight and watch first light blanket the earth... Then don my chef's cooking jacket, plop my battered ball cap on my sleep encrusted hair. Splash cold water on the face, brush teeth and open my journal. Write what memories remain from my dreams, plans for the day or random thoughts that float around inside mind...
The morning walk to the business is always refreshing. The symphony of the birds filling the fresh morning air is the most thrilling music one can ever hear.
Closed the business Oct. 4, 2009. Since then lots of cleaning, organizing and falling in love with my piano all over again!
I have played piano for at least an hour every day or evening since we closed.
I will fly to New Orleans on November 10. Spend three nights with my sister Teresa. Then fly into NYC. Visit my piano teachers. Seymour Bernstein and Carol Montparker. Walk the streets of a city that doesn't sleep taking in everything from Central Park, concerts and some unexpedted adventures. Will also start writing my blogs again! I know, I should be on Face Book and whats that other new thing? Well, blogger.com will still be my home for a few more years!
I walked up the Snake River Canyon yesterday afternoon. My legs keep reminding me! When I got out of bed this morning they were screaming at me! They are used to standing up to 14 hours and walking within my kitchen space, but not balancing on rocks and uneven terrain! The leaves were gorgeous and of course sunlight on the water!
It's good to be back with my computer. I tunes, E mails and learning so much about everything possible. More to follow in a few days.