I am enjoying something that one must live long enough to experience and thanks to the COMPUTER I am able to explore this 'dream' in ways that years ago would have been impossible.
A week ago, I decided to search out places where I performed with the USO during the late 60's and into the 70's. This adventure has stirred up old memories of people, weather conditions, smells and emotions that I was feeling as a man in his early 20's! The anxieties, doubts, hopes, fears, insecurities and loneliness of travel...
I loved the tours I made into the Pacific Islands. The Marshall Islands have changed since I was there. I spent Thanksgiving at Eniwetok Atoll in the Marshall's around 1972. The Islands were full of radiation due to the atomic bomb testing in the 40's. (god, possibly I picked up some radiation during that time??????) I did a google search and everything MARSHALL ISLANDS popped up. It has been wonderful to see the culture, people and 2009 lifestyle of these Islanders!
I found Johnston Island. This Island had meaning to me because of it's name. Also, I visited Midway, Rota and parts of the Samoan Islands which I thought were heavenly as well as the people were heavenly.
Viet Nam, Guam, Thailand, the Philippines are nothing like when I performed on their turf except the climate, and the people look the same and I am sure that health and lifestyle has improved.
I used a Wurlitzer Electronic Piano! Today, Yamaha has a keyboard that SOUNDS LIKE AND HAS THE KEYBOARD OF A GRAND PIANO! Not in the late 60's! The piano I was hauling around had to be set for 240 voltage, not 110! I wore jump-suit tuxedos with glitter on them! We used sound systems that we thought were state of the art, but by today's standards they were dinosaurs! I remember being in the Mekong Delta and asked where my dressing room was? They handed me a large nail.
I made three trips to South East Asia. Korea and Viet Nam being the main centers. I have old photos of shows I backed in Okinawa Japan and interesting enough, I read where Okinawa is one of the healthiest places on earth to live! Dha?
Iceland was one of my favorite places. I get the Icelandic News every day via my e mail. Even Iceland has changed so much from when I was there! Alaska was simply ice and snow when I played there, so even though I loved the "NORTHERN EXPOSURE" series on television a few years ago, I never saw Alaska in the summer months.
Some places have not changed one being Morocco. Turkey was 'magical' to me when I was 22 going on 23. I remember my 23rd Birthday in Ankora. Very big drunken event! I did love Greece. I know, I know, some people hate that hot white sunshine and the food, but I thought the energy was indescribable when I was very young and swimming naked, in the sea at sunset was a religious moment to my way of thinking. The Greeks know how to make love...
I have returned to Europe a few times, but the Mediterranean I have not visited since my first USO tour in 1969. When I was in Madrid it was going through a complete 'make-over', one only has to go on line to see that city NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Memories are wonderful and time frames are precious, but the future is forever OUT THERE! I keep reaching out for more. I do not mind change. The only change I mind, some days is the change within and outside my body!
One day I'll write a book! (now that is really talking in the FUTURE!)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
What in Hell?
I have spent a hell of a lot of time writing a blog only to have it evaporate into space? I will re-write tomorrow.
Until then: Have a most glorious holiday and do not sweat the small stuff!
All the small things (Bush and Cheney) are going to go away with the year 2008 and all kinds of VERY LARGE AND WONDERFULLY BIG THINGS will appear in 2009.
Much love, BJ
Until then: Have a most glorious holiday and do not sweat the small stuff!
All the small things (Bush and Cheney) are going to go away with the year 2008 and all kinds of VERY LARGE AND WONDERFULLY BIG THINGS will appear in 2009.
Much love, BJ
Friday, December 19, 2008
To Worry OR NOT to WORRY?
The past few days I have received many alerts pertaining to the current economic and the political situation in the USA and the world.
Many persons that I hold in high esteem because they are intelligent, (and far wiser than me), tell me one must have certain items on hand in order to handle the up coming events. Mainly food and medical/health supplies.
Others tell me it is all hype, the media has gone bonkers and to over react it exactly how the powers that be; CONTROL US EARTHLINGS!
Well, I do know that the economy in the USA has gone to hell. For some it is a blessing. BUY, BUY and then some more buying properties, stocks and what ever else will make tons of money in the years to come, however, if you are a wage earner or even less, (of which I was for years) you do not view this situation as a blessing!
I must agree with one thing: A person is stupid that does not have the knowledge and the energy to grow a vegetable garden. A person is stupid that will not question authority and it's source or information. One should and must plan for bad times. Having plenty of rice, flour, sugar and water on hand is not an insane idea. Having canned goods, mainly beans, meats and fruits in cases is a very good thing because it saves not only trips to the grocery, but there are times you simply do not want to do the daily shopping thing. (If you are chef, you love seeing the things you need when inspiration tells you to create a certain food item, and the ingredients are there, in your pantry!)
I have always maintained that a person should have a supply of antibiotics, pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs at the ready, because I have seen and lived through some times in my past that required such things and they were not available due to situations occurring on weekends, holidays or being out of the country and needing help!
Matches, and batteries are a reality, plus extra blankets and first aid kits, and I am not talking about the early Gurl Scout packs. You can purchase a fabulous first aid kit on line or from any pharmacy. I keep one in my kitchen in the restaurant and it is one of the most valuable instruments within the range of creating food. (not counting gallons of Aleve, Advil, and Xanax.)
Ships are sitting in ports around the world that are supposed to be sailing to America. They are full of iron ore, food, raw materials for making everything from drugs to condoms... THEY WILL NOT SAIL! WHY? America has no credit. America cannot be trusted to pay the debt. We barrow from China just to keep our war with Iraq going! Would you send a billion dollar cargo ship to Seattle when you are not sure IF they can give you the money owed, let alone, a credit card?
I say: Put cash aside in a safety deposit box, in a Kerr Jar in the garden! Buy staples in cases, huge amounts. Like: a flat of pork 'n beans, a case of black beans, a case of stewed tomatoes, a case of tuna fish, a case of pasta, a few extra boxes of salt, pounds of flour. YEAST! OMG if you don't know how to make bread LEARN! Sugar is important as well as all kinds of lentils, root veggies, like: Carrots, Cabbage, Beets, Potatoes, Turnips... stuff you can grown on the very earth your living on!
Do keep in mind: you may want to stash away some booze? Cheap WINE! Diet Coke and CHIPS! I really doubt digital devices will disappear. WHY? THEY WERE ALWAYS THERE WE SIMPLY DID NOT KNOW HOW TO CONNECT WITH THEM, besides we are only digits with in a HOLOGRAPHIC INTERCONNECTED PARADIGM. My friend Diviana calls it HIP. The universe and everything in it is a majestic dream unfolding within an infinite supremely whole and infinite hologram... (Diviana)
God will work with you but nor for you! I learned that thousands of years ago, that is why the Mormon Church hates me as well as the Catholics and most of all the Baptists. Some say it is GAY ISSUES! NOT SO! I know, that they DON'T KNOW and that is ALARMING as HELL to MOST, CHRISTIANS!
All day, I have been slowly simmering a fantastic all natural vegetable soup. Used everything from cabbage to beans. I dug through every shelf and drawer we had in this house for what ever in hell could be put into a stew. Well, I just took a break and ran upstairs. It is divine. I chopped some of my glorious herbs and lots of onions and other goodies to make the stock.
Wish you were here. Natural delight tonight!
Stock up on the things you always use and most of all stock up of light, love and fearlessness.
Many persons that I hold in high esteem because they are intelligent, (and far wiser than me), tell me one must have certain items on hand in order to handle the up coming events. Mainly food and medical/health supplies.
Others tell me it is all hype, the media has gone bonkers and to over react it exactly how the powers that be; CONTROL US EARTHLINGS!
Well, I do know that the economy in the USA has gone to hell. For some it is a blessing. BUY, BUY and then some more buying properties, stocks and what ever else will make tons of money in the years to come, however, if you are a wage earner or even less, (of which I was for years) you do not view this situation as a blessing!
I must agree with one thing: A person is stupid that does not have the knowledge and the energy to grow a vegetable garden. A person is stupid that will not question authority and it's source or information. One should and must plan for bad times. Having plenty of rice, flour, sugar and water on hand is not an insane idea. Having canned goods, mainly beans, meats and fruits in cases is a very good thing because it saves not only trips to the grocery, but there are times you simply do not want to do the daily shopping thing. (If you are chef, you love seeing the things you need when inspiration tells you to create a certain food item, and the ingredients are there, in your pantry!)
I have always maintained that a person should have a supply of antibiotics, pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs at the ready, because I have seen and lived through some times in my past that required such things and they were not available due to situations occurring on weekends, holidays or being out of the country and needing help!
Matches, and batteries are a reality, plus extra blankets and first aid kits, and I am not talking about the early Gurl Scout packs. You can purchase a fabulous first aid kit on line or from any pharmacy. I keep one in my kitchen in the restaurant and it is one of the most valuable instruments within the range of creating food. (not counting gallons of Aleve, Advil, and Xanax.)
Ships are sitting in ports around the world that are supposed to be sailing to America. They are full of iron ore, food, raw materials for making everything from drugs to condoms... THEY WILL NOT SAIL! WHY? America has no credit. America cannot be trusted to pay the debt. We barrow from China just to keep our war with Iraq going! Would you send a billion dollar cargo ship to Seattle when you are not sure IF they can give you the money owed, let alone, a credit card?
I say: Put cash aside in a safety deposit box, in a Kerr Jar in the garden! Buy staples in cases, huge amounts. Like: a flat of pork 'n beans, a case of black beans, a case of stewed tomatoes, a case of tuna fish, a case of pasta, a few extra boxes of salt, pounds of flour. YEAST! OMG if you don't know how to make bread LEARN! Sugar is important as well as all kinds of lentils, root veggies, like: Carrots, Cabbage, Beets, Potatoes, Turnips... stuff you can grown on the very earth your living on!
Do keep in mind: you may want to stash away some booze? Cheap WINE! Diet Coke and CHIPS! I really doubt digital devices will disappear. WHY? THEY WERE ALWAYS THERE WE SIMPLY DID NOT KNOW HOW TO CONNECT WITH THEM, besides we are only digits with in a HOLOGRAPHIC INTERCONNECTED PARADIGM. My friend Diviana calls it HIP. The universe and everything in it is a majestic dream unfolding within an infinite supremely whole and infinite hologram... (Diviana)
God will work with you but nor for you! I learned that thousands of years ago, that is why the Mormon Church hates me as well as the Catholics and most of all the Baptists. Some say it is GAY ISSUES! NOT SO! I know, that they DON'T KNOW and that is ALARMING as HELL to MOST, CHRISTIANS!
All day, I have been slowly simmering a fantastic all natural vegetable soup. Used everything from cabbage to beans. I dug through every shelf and drawer we had in this house for what ever in hell could be put into a stew. Well, I just took a break and ran upstairs. It is divine. I chopped some of my glorious herbs and lots of onions and other goodies to make the stock.
Wish you were here. Natural delight tonight!
Stock up on the things you always use and most of all stock up of light, love and fearlessness.
Friday, December 12, 2008
100% Full Moon
Last night the moon was magnificent!
Tonight is the FULL MOON. Venus and Jupiter are brighter than I ever remember.
Full moons are very sacred to me. Moonlight is a magical paler shade of white... I know people that claim the full moon
disrupts their ability to sleep? I sleep just fine moon or no moon. I do know that in our business, when there is a FULL
MOON, people behave differently. Alcohol seems to have a more intense effect upon the bar patrons as well as customers eating food in my restaurant. If you look out in the parking lot when the moon is in full light there are lots of pick up trucks!
The pick-up trucks usually mean ACTION for SOME ONE before the moon sets and the sun rises! Full moons cause lots of things to RISE so to speak!
Today was a beautiful day. I positioned my body on a comfortable bench in the out door mall and proceeded to watch people. Music was every where. Not many Americans, but lots of Europeans, Scandinavians, and South Americans, all speaking in their native languages. The different dialects makes for a most interesting
musical fugues... mix the voices with the sounds of traffic, background music from bars and the sound of people's shoes and feet grating along the pavement... wind, dogs barking, endless sounds. Some people would call it NOISE.
I have to watch body movements and eyes as well as the hands. Gestures can be marvelous interpretive
signs when trying to understand a foreigner attempt to express what they are feeling using their native language.
Along the water front were two very young men that I swear stepped out of San Francisco 1963... Hair piled on
their heads, beards and the clothing and shoes were priceless time pieces. One played what appeared to be a very old Ukulele
and the other played the Recorder. The recorder is like a flute. They used no amplification except the acoustic backside of the wind carrying the music to eager ears within the range of sound. I put 3 dollars into the cap they had laid on the cement for gifts of pocket change.
Hopefully they will have earned enough coins at the end of the afternoon so they could buy a lid of dope, or a cheap bottle of wine, better yet groceries.
So many memories flew threw my mind as I listened to their music, watching their bodies move to the music they were creating. Gentle, melodic, almost folk music and yet there was something very mystical and spiritual hidden within their music. The whole scene was like a past life regression moment.
I loved being in the sunshine. I did not care IF the rays burned my balding head! I did not care if the sunshine kissed my flesh too hotly this afternoon. I kept thinking about vitamin D as well as so many other gifts the sun affords us.
Moon light and sun light. Such sacred gifts. "Let There Be Light!"
Tonight is the FULL MOON. Venus and Jupiter are brighter than I ever remember.
Full moons are very sacred to me. Moonlight is a magical paler shade of white... I know people that claim the full moon
disrupts their ability to sleep? I sleep just fine moon or no moon. I do know that in our business, when there is a FULL
MOON, people behave differently. Alcohol seems to have a more intense effect upon the bar patrons as well as customers eating food in my restaurant. If you look out in the parking lot when the moon is in full light there are lots of pick up trucks!
The pick-up trucks usually mean ACTION for SOME ONE before the moon sets and the sun rises! Full moons cause lots of things to RISE so to speak!
Today was a beautiful day. I positioned my body on a comfortable bench in the out door mall and proceeded to watch people. Music was every where. Not many Americans, but lots of Europeans, Scandinavians, and South Americans, all speaking in their native languages. The different dialects makes for a most interesting
musical fugues... mix the voices with the sounds of traffic, background music from bars and the sound of people's shoes and feet grating along the pavement... wind, dogs barking, endless sounds. Some people would call it NOISE.
I have to watch body movements and eyes as well as the hands. Gestures can be marvelous interpretive
signs when trying to understand a foreigner attempt to express what they are feeling using their native language.
Along the water front were two very young men that I swear stepped out of San Francisco 1963... Hair piled on
their heads, beards and the clothing and shoes were priceless time pieces. One played what appeared to be a very old Ukulele
and the other played the Recorder. The recorder is like a flute. They used no amplification except the acoustic backside of the wind carrying the music to eager ears within the range of sound. I put 3 dollars into the cap they had laid on the cement for gifts of pocket change.
Hopefully they will have earned enough coins at the end of the afternoon so they could buy a lid of dope, or a cheap bottle of wine, better yet groceries.
So many memories flew threw my mind as I listened to their music, watching their bodies move to the music they were creating. Gentle, melodic, almost folk music and yet there was something very mystical and spiritual hidden within their music. The whole scene was like a past life regression moment.
I loved being in the sunshine. I did not care IF the rays burned my balding head! I did not care if the sunshine kissed my flesh too hotly this afternoon. I kept thinking about vitamin D as well as so many other gifts the sun affords us.
Moon light and sun light. Such sacred gifts. "Let There Be Light!"
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Last night the rain spoke to me...
Loving my down time... weather has expressed every possible mood swing!
Tonight the sky is lovely with racing clouds, stars and the occasional satellite sailing across the firmament.
Today was my yearly visit to my dentist here in QT. He is practically the only dentist to look in side my mouth in the past 17 years! (There have been the occasional emergency chipping of a tooth that required local attention in the states.) He did the X-rays and the usual poking and prying between teeth. I had no problems. I said, "OMG, that is the best news I have had from a Doctor in 8 months!" He laughed. I am fortunate to have inherited one healthy thing, well a lot of healthy parts to my anatomy, but the teeth I am grateful for.
Last night I went sound asleep only to awaken at around 4:45 AM. The sound of rain and first light of day reaching for the mountain peaks. I thought of a wonderful poem by one of my favorite poets, Mary Oliver. She is an amazing artist. I put on my bathrobe and walked onto the front porch so as to open the door of my studio. I reached for the book, there it was: Last Night The Rain Spoke To Me... It says so many things on so many levels...
Last night
the rain
spoke to me
slowly, saying,
what joy
to come falling
out of the brisk cloud,
to be happy again
in a new way
on the earth!
That's what it said
as it dropped,
smelling of iron,
and vanished
like a dream of the ocean
into the branches
and the grass below.'Then it was over.
The sky cleared.
I was standing
under a tree.
The tree was a tree
with happy leaves,
and I was myself,
and there were stars in the sky
that were also themselves
at the moment,
at which moment
my right hand
was holding my left hand
which was holding the tree
which was filled with stars
and the soft rain---
imagine! imagine!
the long, and wondrous journeys
still to be ours.
I am on a new adventure. I am writing and making music once again! If for nothing but my own amazement and joy!
Tonight the sky is lovely with racing clouds, stars and the occasional satellite sailing across the firmament.
Today was my yearly visit to my dentist here in QT. He is practically the only dentist to look in side my mouth in the past 17 years! (There have been the occasional emergency chipping of a tooth that required local attention in the states.) He did the X-rays and the usual poking and prying between teeth. I had no problems. I said, "OMG, that is the best news I have had from a Doctor in 8 months!" He laughed. I am fortunate to have inherited one healthy thing, well a lot of healthy parts to my anatomy, but the teeth I am grateful for.
Last night I went sound asleep only to awaken at around 4:45 AM. The sound of rain and first light of day reaching for the mountain peaks. I thought of a wonderful poem by one of my favorite poets, Mary Oliver. She is an amazing artist. I put on my bathrobe and walked onto the front porch so as to open the door of my studio. I reached for the book, there it was: Last Night The Rain Spoke To Me... It says so many things on so many levels...
Last night
the rain
spoke to me
slowly, saying,
what joy
to come falling
out of the brisk cloud,
to be happy again
in a new way
on the earth!
That's what it said
as it dropped,
smelling of iron,
and vanished
like a dream of the ocean
into the branches
and the grass below.'Then it was over.
The sky cleared.
I was standing
under a tree.
The tree was a tree
with happy leaves,
and I was myself,
and there were stars in the sky
that were also themselves
at the moment,
at which moment
my right hand
was holding my left hand
which was holding the tree
which was filled with stars
and the soft rain---
imagine! imagine!
the long, and wondrous journeys
still to be ours.
I am on a new adventure. I am writing and making music once again! If for nothing but my own amazement and joy!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
The magic of TOUCH...
Happy day! I have been 72 hours without taking a single Oxycontin pill!!!
Four weeks ago today, November the 5th they removed the cancer and repaired the hernia. Four weeks ago I did not know IF I would be able to make the long trip to New Zealand, but four weeks later I am back in Queenstown, and best news today: I have not taken any of the prescription pain pills.
Today I had an appointment with my Chiropractor Doctor. He is thrilled over the fact I am playing piano once again and the left elbow has healed. He adjusted my neck, which I knew was out of place... We talked about the cancer and how pain moves through the various nerves of the body.
Neki is from India. He has magic hands. I observe people's hands carefully. The Knee surgeon that replaced my left knee had the most beautiful hands you can imagine. My surgeons in Jackson Hole WY had wonderfully shaped hands. My Chiropractic Doctor in JH also has perfect hands, (but types with two fingers!) Neki is right up there with strong, intense fingers and his touch is pure energy.
I have always been very sensitive to touch. Playing an musical instrument involves touch and choreography of the entire body. I have always found the touch of keys on a piano to be sensuously smooth and hard... (No wonder I practice/play for hours on end! as strange as it sounds kind of like PLAYING WITH YOURSELF!)
One of my favorite lines from Gibran has to do with touch and sound... " If in the twilight of memory we should meet once more, we shall speak again together and you shall sing to me a deeper song, and if our hands should meet in another dream, we shall build another tower in the sky..."
I thank my lucky stars for the Internet! A friend that I have loved since the mid 1960's has a serious brain cancer. His niece was surfing the net and came upon my blog, from there she sent me an e mail and re-connected me with a friend that was a major player in the many dramas I "STARED" in during the 70's and early 80's! I visited with my friend in Maryland many times before my move to Wyoming years ago... We are linked once again, both having cancer and both reaching out our hands across the miles, touching as it were in another dream!
I remember my Aunt Lorraine, who lost her eye sight in the later years of her life, telling me that she could actually see with her hands... she could feel fabric and tell you what the color was! It was as if all her other senses were more acute because of the loss of one of her most important senses, the ability to see with the human eye! No wonder I love petting my cats!
Four weeks ago today, November the 5th they removed the cancer and repaired the hernia. Four weeks ago I did not know IF I would be able to make the long trip to New Zealand, but four weeks later I am back in Queenstown, and best news today: I have not taken any of the prescription pain pills.
Today I had an appointment with my Chiropractor Doctor. He is thrilled over the fact I am playing piano once again and the left elbow has healed. He adjusted my neck, which I knew was out of place... We talked about the cancer and how pain moves through the various nerves of the body.
Neki is from India. He has magic hands. I observe people's hands carefully. The Knee surgeon that replaced my left knee had the most beautiful hands you can imagine. My surgeons in Jackson Hole WY had wonderfully shaped hands. My Chiropractic Doctor in JH also has perfect hands, (but types with two fingers!) Neki is right up there with strong, intense fingers and his touch is pure energy.
I have always been very sensitive to touch. Playing an musical instrument involves touch and choreography of the entire body. I have always found the touch of keys on a piano to be sensuously smooth and hard... (No wonder I practice/play for hours on end! as strange as it sounds kind of like PLAYING WITH YOURSELF!)
One of my favorite lines from Gibran has to do with touch and sound... " If in the twilight of memory we should meet once more, we shall speak again together and you shall sing to me a deeper song, and if our hands should meet in another dream, we shall build another tower in the sky..."
I thank my lucky stars for the Internet! A friend that I have loved since the mid 1960's has a serious brain cancer. His niece was surfing the net and came upon my blog, from there she sent me an e mail and re-connected me with a friend that was a major player in the many dramas I "STARED" in during the 70's and early 80's! I visited with my friend in Maryland many times before my move to Wyoming years ago... We are linked once again, both having cancer and both reaching out our hands across the miles, touching as it were in another dream!
I remember my Aunt Lorraine, who lost her eye sight in the later years of her life, telling me that she could actually see with her hands... she could feel fabric and tell you what the color was! It was as if all her other senses were more acute because of the loss of one of her most important senses, the ability to see with the human eye! No wonder I love petting my cats!
Monday, December 01, 2008
I am sitting in my tiny speck of heaven. My studio in Queenstown, New Zealand. This tiny room is a small space the size of most people's walk-in closets. It has a wonderful sky light window that joins a full wall window that opens to allow fresh air and light into this sacred cell. I have posted photos of the inside of the studio on past blogs.
The gardens surrounding the house are over grown, but beautiful, with roses in bloom, pansies and my small herb garden survived the winter. Like the words from the song, Scarborough Fair I have sage, rosemary and thyme. But, I also have gorgeous chives, robust mint and soon basil will be in pots that sit on the steps leading to the upper gardens.
This morning is glorious with the sunshine and views of the lake and mountains. The birds are singing hymns to the morning light and praise for a new day! The morning mist and play on light and shadow always touchs a hidden place inside my mind and heart... like poetry and music.
I did have some reservations about my ability to fly for such long periods of time this soon after the surgeries. Everything went well in SLC International. Then LAX is always confusing to me. Why is this airport such a dilemma when it comes to finding the International Terminal after landing and getting out on the sidewalk? For 19 years I have either lost luggage, or made the wrong turn when walking out of the terminal and ended up at the wrong destination. We made it through security just in time and I was the last person to board the Qantas 747 plane that would land in Auckland NZ 11 hours later. My heart skipped a few beats as I walked down the ramp onto the plane. I was flying as had been planned months ago! I did not cry, I just kept on walking. I was shaky and tired, but dear GOD I WAS ON THE PLANE! The trip was smooth and I slept most of the way until we landed in NZ.
I watched a stupid show last night on CNN about heroes. Maybe we need heroes. I have one that has stood by me through every kind of drama, that person would be Michael. He has been a rock when I have lost loved ones, fallen ill, stressed over performances, worried about the business, you name it he has been my hero through thick and through thin. Speaking of thin, OMG, I remember years ago trying to loose weight, never imagining the day would come when I would be TRYING TO GAIN WEIGHT! What the hell? I am back up to 152.5 lbs this morning. I weighed in at 150 when we hit the ground in NZ, but I do believe the loss of pounds was due to stress and concern about flying as well as the food on Qantas was shit. I mean it.
Qantas usually has fine food and leg room, not anymore! They wanted $5000.00 dollars for me to up grade to business class.
I said NO to such an insane figure. Why would people that have zillions of dollars even pay such a price? It is an insult to one's intelligence. So I think!
Yesterday I walked to the center of town. Had afternoon tea and did some banking and posting of cards. Practiced Bach Preludes and Fugues until midnight! Speaking within the language of music is bliss. Learning new music is a mental and physical exercise only a musician understands.
I do believe I have nearly reached the top of the mountain and will be healthy once again! I have mountains of things I hope to enjoy and achieve during my holiday. For one thing I will catch up writing this blog.
I adore my friends and love you. You are my extended family and in reality no doubt my real spiritual family.
Until later, seek love, light and bliss.
The gardens surrounding the house are over grown, but beautiful, with roses in bloom, pansies and my small herb garden survived the winter. Like the words from the song, Scarborough Fair I have sage, rosemary and thyme. But, I also have gorgeous chives, robust mint and soon basil will be in pots that sit on the steps leading to the upper gardens.
This morning is glorious with the sunshine and views of the lake and mountains. The birds are singing hymns to the morning light and praise for a new day! The morning mist and play on light and shadow always touchs a hidden place inside my mind and heart... like poetry and music.
I did have some reservations about my ability to fly for such long periods of time this soon after the surgeries. Everything went well in SLC International. Then LAX is always confusing to me. Why is this airport such a dilemma when it comes to finding the International Terminal after landing and getting out on the sidewalk? For 19 years I have either lost luggage, or made the wrong turn when walking out of the terminal and ended up at the wrong destination. We made it through security just in time and I was the last person to board the Qantas 747 plane that would land in Auckland NZ 11 hours later. My heart skipped a few beats as I walked down the ramp onto the plane. I was flying as had been planned months ago! I did not cry, I just kept on walking. I was shaky and tired, but dear GOD I WAS ON THE PLANE! The trip was smooth and I slept most of the way until we landed in NZ.
I watched a stupid show last night on CNN about heroes. Maybe we need heroes. I have one that has stood by me through every kind of drama, that person would be Michael. He has been a rock when I have lost loved ones, fallen ill, stressed over performances, worried about the business, you name it he has been my hero through thick and through thin. Speaking of thin, OMG, I remember years ago trying to loose weight, never imagining the day would come when I would be TRYING TO GAIN WEIGHT! What the hell? I am back up to 152.5 lbs this morning. I weighed in at 150 when we hit the ground in NZ, but I do believe the loss of pounds was due to stress and concern about flying as well as the food on Qantas was shit. I mean it.
Qantas usually has fine food and leg room, not anymore! They wanted $5000.00 dollars for me to up grade to business class.
I said NO to such an insane figure. Why would people that have zillions of dollars even pay such a price? It is an insult to one's intelligence. So I think!
Yesterday I walked to the center of town. Had afternoon tea and did some banking and posting of cards. Practiced Bach Preludes and Fugues until midnight! Speaking within the language of music is bliss. Learning new music is a mental and physical exercise only a musician understands.
I do believe I have nearly reached the top of the mountain and will be healthy once again! I have mountains of things I hope to enjoy and achieve during my holiday. For one thing I will catch up writing this blog.
I adore my friends and love you. You are my extended family and in reality no doubt my real spiritual family.
Until later, seek love, light and bliss.
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