Finally, closed the business Sunday evening. September 30th. 2007 proved to be one of our biggest seasons ever. My body tells me it was enormously hard work! Operating a fine restaurant is like producing a broadway play... There are many players behind the scenes that make the events on stage possible. Candles have to be changed, flowers arranged, table clothes and silver cleaned, orders for products must be made in time for delivery when the food is fresh and can be prepared for the day it is to be served. Food items, dishes washed and polished, salads made, food prepped and the list is endless however, when everything is in sync it becomes a magical symphonic performance that can rival most Broadway plays.
Within every working kitchen you will find each worker sharing his and her personal dramas which runs the gamut of emotions. Love affairs, anger with parents, headaches, financial problems, political and religious differences the list is endless.
My little space becomes a rollicking universe of love, an emotional roller-coasters that can change within a heart beat and lots of laughter and the tears.
For the past few days I have worked hard cleaning, sorting out products, saying goodbyes, and thinking that I have to to get
into my other lifestyle! I will fly to Boise Idaho tomorrow. There I will coach two find pianists for performances and perform a master class. Spend time with a dear friend and healer. I am trying desperately to make friends with a man named: MR. Arther
My left elbow is ruining my life. I cannot play at times because of the severe pain. I will find a cure or way to deal with
this bastardly curse! Today I will find my batered suit case, pack some music, note paper and pens, chargers for cell phone, I Pod, and find my camera. Toss in the pills for pain, a change of undies and begin a life that I love so much, sharing music and helping others to love and understand the language it speaks to our hearts, minds and spirits.
Off to NYC end of the month! The autumn colors are gorgeous. Temps are quite cool, but the autumn light is a blessing.