Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mel Gibson's DUI !!!

Preludes & Fugues

I just read Mel Gibson's lengthy statement about his DUI arrest! Poor bugger, my ass! and to think he produced the PASSION OF CHRIST, HATES GAYS, ABORTION RIGHTS and is a TOTAL CATHOLIC BIGOTED ASS!

It never fails, that those that speak out in harsh judgment of others are usually hiding from some ghost within their own closets of fear and anger! YES I WILL SPEAK OUT AGAINST SUCH PEOPLE AS MEL GIBSON because I have seen and KNOW the harm that his mouth can do. Remember the time a few years ago when he was being interviewed in France and barred his ass to the camera saying his sexy, gorgeous butt was what gays like about him and then proceeded to tear apart gays! (maybe he needs something big and hard put up that mess)

(wonder who or what he is afraid of regarding gays? could it be that one of his children, and there are many, is bent towards gay life? or does he hide under the skirts of the Catholic Priests to keep his fear of sexual perversion at bay? or is it that he is a total fuck up that suffers depression, alcohol addiction and is basically like every one else.

I know, forgive and forget. Okay, but keep your eye out for a 'slip along the way' of anyone that professes to be PERFECT! Just go to the Republican Party and start lifting a few skirts and talking in hushed circles... OH MY WHAT LIES and CRAP they do fear and believe in.
FEAR is a powerful chemical that we become addicted to and can do more harm than even a deadly bullet!

Jesus loves ya Mel, and besides your looks are going down the toilet! I remember years ago talking with a psychologist friend that said most alcoholics were repressed homosexuals! GOD FORBID but I took up the bottle damned fast in the hope of finding my true self! Instead I found an emty wallet, emty bed, emty life! However, there were times when the bottle did take me to places of love I never dreamed possible! besides the neck of a bottle can fit into places quite nicely if it is nudged along by fantasy, lubricant and most of lust! Thanks for the memories!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

How far does one go with...

Preludes & Fugues

I used to put my nose up, down, inside and around other people's business and invariably get my tit in a ringer! Even other body and mind parts!

The past month I have observed a certain person 'change' into a very short tempered, filthy mouthed, harsh and aggressive person. I listen to this person's rants and raves about their home life and other personal problems. I find the problems rather stupid, but the circumstances they are living with at home are not a laughing matter. There have been moments during the past four weeks that I have contemplated the act of talking directly to the parties involved and yet, I really don't want to be a part of some family soap opera. So, I have kept my mouth shut and LISTENED...

The situation is beginning to rub off on other people that inter act with the distressed I step in? and IF I DO and I bringing something into my own karmic and personal life that I DO NOT NEED or WANT?
How far does one go with trying to being understanding and HELP as it were a person you love and care about?

At the present moment I will allow fate, time, and space to cleanse the problem without my MOUTH being a catalyst for more fuel to the fires.

Am reading bits of Whitman again. God, I love this man's philosophy! (wonder why?) we do have lots in common.

Tomorrow is number five of the musicals.
ONE LEFT and then August will disappear into the ethers like a vapor of heat of which it will no doubt be a very big heat wave.

GOD IT IS HOT! that is probably why the TENSE EMOTIONS with some people. OR COULD THE TENSE EMOTIONS BE COMING FROM ME! AH! AM I THE SOURCE OF THIS ANGER AND FEAR THAT MY FRIEND IS EXPERIENCING????? (god, ya gotta love trying to figure this shit out)

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Preludes & Fugues

Procrastination is a word that lives within the deepest cells of my brains...
(I believe that we have many brains that make up the whole mind/brain organ. The Pineal gland, hypothalamus, frontal lobe...digestive system, sub-consciousness, consciousness etc....)

I will not say PROCRASTINATION is something that drives me insane but I'd like to get things done WHEN they must be done instead of saying: "oh yes, I'll call that order in tomorrow, or TODAY SOMETIME I AM GOING TO WORK OUT, or possibly tonight I will practice for an hour, or I PROMISE, I am not going to eat bacon anymore!!!"
The list of excuses are endless. I do not even make such things as New Year's Resolutions or promises to God, the Universe or to my self. I simply KNOW that I should do certain things that make my life easy and guilt free, but I invariably will put "THE JOB OFF" until the last minute or sometimes beyond the last minute!

So, I purchased a self-help CD from my Shirley site that should erase some of this problem, but WILL I PROCRASTINATE in NOT LISTENING TO IT????????????????????? I will, I promise after today I WILL GIVE IT A LISTEN and TRY TO LISTEN TO IT EVERYDAY FOR THE recommended 30 days before I see change!

Stay in touch and possibly I will even become better at writing in my blog spot!

Today is "MORMON MANIA" 24th of July. The day that Brigham Young looked upon the Great Basin of the Great Salt Lake and made this prophetic statement:
Little did he know, (or did he know ?), that the desert would blossom as a rose!
Well, because of this holiday we have UTARDS all over the place. They don't drink or do any kind of recreational drugs, so they eat a lot and drink tons of diet Pepsi and Mountain Dew. Also they sneak around with secret sexual encounters, weird fantasies, and hidden moments of hurried masturbation
because of the REPRESSED SEXUAL DESIRES! I LOVE IT. Makes for really hot sex.

Well, tonight is the fourth MUSIC UNDER THE STARS. Two performances left for the year. We are booked solid with over 103 dinners tonight! (as the British sing, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN, WELL MAY GOD SAVE THIS TIERED QUEEN!
I;m outta here!

Monday, July 17, 2006

...and the night was filled with music...

Preludes & Fugues

Last night's "Music Under the Stars" was magic. (for me at least.)
The weather could not have been more perfect! The damned misqitoes were off somewhere besides eating everyone alive, and the cool Alpine air was exhilarating. Lots of dancing and I played better than ever! The guys were "tight", in total sync! Ensemble work is like sexual intercourse, when you are in total ONENESS it can take you places you never dreamed possible and if one is not in strums along like very bad mutual masturbation!

Later in the wee hours of the morning I awoke 'round 2:30 AM to the most amazing moon! I simply could not resist the temptation for a "moon bath". I know some people take sun baths, but I take major MOON BATHS! Besides at my age the moonlight is a much safer light to be seen naked as it defuses some of the sagging parts, or high lights some of the more upright parts!

Today is HOTTER than HOT, but I don't care! I have air-con going, my folks are visiting with us and I am happy that another week has passed into space as every week brings me closer to the real reasons I LIVE FOR! Music, time to read, write and most of all observe life from a position I never dreamed I would one day attain.
I know the world is insane. IT IS. Bush, Blair, GOD ONLY KNOWS WHO ELSE and the MIDDLE EAST CRISIS? (well, when in hell was it not in crisis?) and the economy is hanging on my it's cuticles at moments, and yes, the price of gas is outrageous, but IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN A MESS unless you are passionately in love or falling out of love! Love seems to change a lot ugly things...

I am tired, but as the poem states, MY HEAD IS BLOODY BUT UNBOWED, well mine is sweaty buy still spinning because I proved I could pull yesterday off without a hitch! AHHHHHHHHHH, YES!

Friday, July 14, 2006

out of the woods...

Preludes & Fugues

Tomorrow marks the last day of this week of anticipation of WHAT in the HELL or WHO in the HELL might die or leave me this year during July. So far, so good!

This weekend marks the third night of Music Under the Stars. Hopefully no rain and no misquotes and lots of happy people and most of all that I will perform well. Our Sax Man cannot play Sunday, so that means I will carry the main parts on the keyboard, which I usually thrill and enjoy, but at nearly 60, I find my memory turns to mush during some very standard pieces like: Georgia, or Stardust can end up very interesting and most creative! It is all good! CREATIVITY IS SUCH A BLESSING. I am not the most talented man, but I do surround myself with talent so as to appear to have lots of great abilities!
Off to work I goooooo, hoooooo, hoooooo.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

July 9-15 always...

Preludes & Fugues

Today is my brother's Birthday. We are 18 months apart. We were raised as if we were twins and were very best friends growing up. We still are friends but follow different drummers and walk different paths that separate us.

July 9, 1961 my best friend committed suicide. This act of violence and the need to escape the pain inflicted on him by a Mormon Bishop, society and the limited thinking of the 60's has never escaped my mind. One day I will write about this event and the horrible aftermath of pain and suffering it caused within a small community and church.

July 9th 1980 a very special lady died. She had a powerful impact upon my life and still does. Her passing was the beginning of a gigantic paradigm shift in my heart, mind and body. It was the end of one lifetime and the beginning of a new one. I discovered the book OUT ON A LIMB and after reading it two times I would never be the same person I had been or thought I was going to become!

I believe we are constantly REINCARNATING. Belief systems and dogmas that we are induced with from birth die with time and are replaced with other philosophies as well as our bodies evolve with time. BUT, numbers and dates seem to always have deep meaning in my life!

This will be an interesting week. I will post events on my blog/journal/safe place, so that I can compare last years events! July 9 through 15 is like a major metamorphosis in my life!

Tonight is the second Music Under the Stars performance. This week has gone so quickly it is as if it had not existed! But, then what is time? Simply an invention to measure events and happenings. Ya gotta love Einstein's famous equation: E=M. I'm outta here!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4th of July

Preludes & Fugues

This was the biggest 4th of July I have had in the business since 1990. The road
to Jackson Hole is open, and it seems most people are staying close to home, but as always in a time when people are being "watchful" where money is concerned, people will come up with money for a meal, bottle of wine and to hear music. Sunday night we served 103 dinners, had approximately 300-350
people attend the concert/dance and lots of camping, boating and nature lovers roaming about.

My land lady in the 70's who died in 1980 told me great stories about her life during the years of the great depression. She could play piano by ear. AMAZINGLY well!!! Also had a photographic memory. Thus, it meant she could sit at a piano in a restaurant or bar in San Francisco and make more in tips than her daddy made working for the rail road! She always said, "NO matter how broke or down one was feeling if there was a catchy tune being played or the scent of meat and onions cooking people would pull coins together and have enough money to make a great party out of nothing."

The world is in a terrible situation but it always is! It depends on one's PERSONAL
OVER ALL VIEW OF THE SITUATIONS and where you are in reality to the rest of
the bull shit.

What is that old cliche? CARPE DIEM???? (god, help me with the spelling!)
Well, any way seize the day. (or better yet something or someone you love and
be damned grateful you have them in your life!)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Music Under The Stars...

Preludes & Fugues

Now, I can and do forgive all the pesky BS and annoying moments that occurred in the month of June regarding the business. WHY? because, it is all worth it!
Tonight is the first of 6 Sunday evenings where I get out of the kitchen and MAKE MUSIC UNDER THE STARS with my musical brothers. I will sit at my keyboard and move to the music as I watch people smile, dance, sing-along with the melodies and most of all "HARMONIZE" my self and the space I work and live in.
(this is where my Liberace-Judy Garland moments blossom in full glory!!!)

I know many friends will be around in spirit (my dead pals) and lots of good food and misquotes,
as well as wine, laughter and hugging, probably even a secret assignation will be arranged between two people who will meet later by the lake and make mad love to the moon light!

Happy days and nights are here again. (sounds like the words to a very old song
called Happy Days are Here grandmother used to sing it!) GOD I LOVE SUMMER!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Last day of June

Preludes & Fugues

Here is a brief outline of the events that occurred in my life yesterday:

7:00 AM awake. Make coffee, take meds, stretch, meditate and thank god I have
an hour to do nothing before I venture down to the business.
8:00 AM. Walk to the business. Talk to the marmots, cats, deer, trees, serene
sky and hope everything is "flowing" as it should when I enter the door.
9:20 AM eat breakfast and make calls to distributors, check schedules and have
serious talk with employee regarding the use of the F word, touching butts
and smiling when people sit down with the menu she hands them!
10:00 AM off to the grocery. NO DROP OFF FROM SYSCO!
10:30 AM get the music and instruments set up for a rehearsal for Sunday night
with guys in band.
11:00 Rehearsal goes well. Listen to local gossip, thank god I do not have kids
and make wonderful music.
1:30 PM Back at restaurant getting prepped for this evening.
Michael is in a rather WILD STATE OF MIND. He has fired the rather stupid
woman that works two days in the office and laundry cause the other
women hate her! God, they never stop talking her down. So now, do I or
Michael open office two days a week and then do laundry? Like I can do
this and still cook and run a restaurant? Michael can't do it all he will die.
I ponder the problem and come up with solution.
2:30 PM close lunch and clean up for night. I head home and lay down for an
hour. Up at 4 and back at the restaurant.
Missed the Tanner's from Ogden. They left me 4 reissued CD's that I was
The musical director on in the 70's for an amazing young man.
5:00 PM All is going well, except by 6:30 I have only one waitress! Shannon
forgets to come to work. Calling like crazy every waitress I have. People
are falling off the deck and inside the dinning room! I put a 15 year old
my buss girl out on the patio. She has NEVER waited on night people.
7:00 PM we are out of salad. NOT A DAMNED LEAF of LETTUCE in the house.
Call Jean she flys to market and brings back iceberg shit lettuce.
8:00 PM Kristen comes in to save the day. Mighty woman.
9:30 PM I am insane. My kitchen staff are great, but the stress is endless as the
mood exchanges are flying bazzurk as all hell between these women and
their emotions. I thank God I am a man.
11:00 Everything is cleaned up and ready for morning. Now the accounting.
The money is fine, but the tickets are not matching the ledgers for rooms
the frigin bar orders are off! I figure it out by midnight.
12:00 midnight I am home and chilling.
1:00 AM I am asleep? No, the phone starts ringing and no one has the extension
phone on their body down below, so I get up and walk to the business
tell the barman to answer the GD phone!
8:00 AM just had a call, the morning waitress is delayed and they need me?
NO, I need that anxiety drug, xanax, or what ever in hell those little bluish
ill tasting things are, but they knock me on my ass so hard, I would never
get anything accomplished. OFF TO WORK I GO with a song in my heart
and a blessing on my head.